
Bill Burr just did this routine last night. West Virginia got all huffy when she visited and told them their old jobs weren’t coming back. You think the folks in the Rust Belt wouldn’t take it the same? If she lied, like her opponent did, she’d get accused of pandering. It’s amazing we’re going to claim that not

But people on the far-left told me Clinton was the one that would start a war with Russia and they were sooooooo sincere.

I love this idea that even if people knew what was at stake, the fact that someone didn’t come gladhand with them was enough to give it over to the shit weasel who did. “By golly, he may be a terrible person with terrible policies but at least he visits.” Jesus, is the rust belt populated by nothing but mothers and

Spicer looks he could be made to cry if pushed hard enough. Hell, sometimes he looks like he’s been crying right before he steps in front of the Corps.

When your kid’s sharp little baby tooth cuts their tongue and later you feed them sweet potato baby food, the answer becomes bloody puke. It’s like a goddamn horror movie.

God-fucking-damn it. There was already stories about Seal Team 6 losing their minds and going kill crazy but this just cements that. With this and Dear Leader’s ban, the Isis Recruitment Division must feel like Allah has sent them all the gifts they’d ever want.

Something just doesn’t feel right about telling someone they have to prove who they are, who their family says they are, with a DNA test before we believe them and accept them as such. I’m lighter than Rashida and I know I’m biracial but does that pass muster? Do I need to keep my papers on me? This isn’t the same a

I just searched and couldn’t find the mod. Hopefully it’ll get a port.

Dudes don’t play by the rule because they are dudes. They probably do some sick kickflips over the heads of CBP officers, who are just in awe of their awesomeness.

If Trump’s plan to make America great again is to become the villain we all unite against, mission accomplished.

She wrote a Dear Stan letter and Obama didn’t answer? Guess we’re to the part where she jumps off a bridge.

I wish, I really really wish, someone with access would give Trump a proper dressing down because I don’t think he’s ever had that before. Everyone handles that sack of moldy apples and potatoes with kid gloves and it’s frustrating. Tell him off to the point that he can’t speak. Make his jowls quiver. Stand over him

Now playing

I like to imagine that the little cock of the head before she said “alternative facts” was the last shred of her soul dying.

Francis from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure is our president. We chose Francis.

I get that but it’s hard to work for someone you can’t respect, can’t trust, may seriously tie your hands as you try to work, and will probably publicly talk shit about you if you disagree with him.

They elected a used car salesman, knowing that used car salesmen are often bad, and are astonished to find that the car he sold them is a piece of shit. Now we all have to ride in that lemon.

I believe her. Us biracial folk are all over the place in the looks department.

We’ll put Trump’s name to all these idiotic ideas but it’s really the GOP & The Heritage Foundation pulling the strings on this. When he’s not puppeting for Putin, he’s puppeting for the GOP and that’s why they will hold on to him as long as possible.

If there were a Gaslighting Hall of Fame, KellyAnne would be the top inductee for 2016, and making a strong go for 2017.

We got here when someone made a bargain for the Cubs to win the series.