
I'm so turned on right now.

Yeah, that's actually pretty neat in theory! But by the time you even load up another game your match will probably be ready.

You first.

Hell no let's make all the Zelda games look like Wind Waker!

Gamers: Being more self entitled than ever before.

then i'd say he's been punished enough

Well that was kinda funny until they started to annoy the staff. Making a prank call once in a while is alright, but spamming the telephone of the same public library again and again is going too far.

Channel that Gootecks.

Best EVO moment? I'm going with the Pride of Turkey's impromptu appearance in the SSFIV Grand Finals. I guess you can say I predicted it in a weird kind of wishful thinking way?

Also, did you see that Grand Final right before the announcement? Holy Moly Crappoly!

They should bring back the Indestructible song.

A lot of people look to be dancing by themselves. Looks rather Bronely.

So... he was sent (possession) a tit pic by a 17 year old fan taken the day before her 18th birthday, looked at it (accessing) and then he showed it (making available) to someone else?

Did you remember to press the right trigger when you saw the red ring?


like a certain game developer once said, " relax, let it happen, it will be over soon..."

It wasn't just the best moments. It showed your affect on both worlds AND how you had made things better. The music playing during the ending is also EPIC!

I don't know, that actually could be fun, especially with the Kinect face and body recognition: