
My point was more that you may be right in that the individual elements are probably done better in other games, but when you look at the whole package there’s not much competition. Maybe if the next Borderlands has ongoing updates, or if Anthem succeeds, then it’ll have the competition, but for now it pretty much

I have not come across many loot-driven cooperative shooters that are better than Destiny.

Last week, streamer Trainwreck...

While I’m not familiar with any particular movie reference for DB, it was very obviously inspired by chinese martial arts films.

I know a few people that keep the game running just so that it logs their distance traveled for egg hatching, in which case you’d be playing the game without actively doing anything. That may not have been the issue here but not everyone that has the app running on their phone while driving is distracted.

People will always find excuses when it’s convenient. After it launches you’ll hear people saying “Well it JUST launched, so they should iron out those issues in the next few patches”. Then after a year or two it’ll be “Well this is how it’s always been so it’s fine”.

What does finished even mean? Zelda and Horizon are getting DLC, were they finished? If Battlegrounds changed their label from early access to released, is it finished? Games are so increasingly becoming a service that it’s rare that any of them would be considered “finished”.

They mentioned they would include early access games if they felt it deserved to be included, and I think it’s valid in this case. Honestly though Persona 5's slot should be given to Nier.

My guess is they couldn’t recommend this because it’s the obvious answer and that would make for an uninteresting article. I bought one a few months ago to learn stick as well. Not only was it a good cheap car to learn manual in, but once I was done I was rewarded with a fun reliable roadster.

One person doesn’t make the game but a good director can properly direct the team. It depends on the individual, some can be given too much credit a game’s success and others can be given too little.

When you do something wrong you do see a popup showing your sportsmanship rating decrease, while it does not state why it is often obvious based on what just happened and the fact that players are required to understand how the rating system works before playing online.

If you’ve got an HDR TV then get the Pro, the game looks amazing with that enabled. Otherwise standard PS4 is fine.

Considering that getting a real FIA racing license requires having a good sportsmanship rating, having it go down when other cars hit you is really frustrating. Thankfully the matchmaking will pair “bad” drivers with each other so it should become less of an issue over time, but polishing how it detects bad

To be fair, Simpsons and South Park evolved very differently. South Park at times may feel old and not at its prime, but it’s still a very good show, at least in my opinion. Simpsons actually became a bad show and is actually closer to the type of show it initially parodied.

Adults are also very prone to tactics like this since they have less free time than kids and more money, so they will happily spend some money to not have a grind.

Could be, but I would think players are less likely to be envious of something their teammates have compared to their opponents, especially since many games automatically show you the loadout of the player that killed you.

Sure, one scenario is that the junior player pays for items to try and match the better players they are unfairly being matched with, though a more likely scenario is they don’t have fun and stop playing.

If you’ve got 46k burning a hole in your pocket, you probably already have 2 or 3 Miatas.

Skinner box stuff has been in games long before paid loot crates, its basically how all games based on random loot are designed.

It was implied that Gohan could go beyond Mystic form, but it’s hard to say if that meant Ultra Instinct considering that Gohan’s the one that implied it and both Gohan and Piccolo had no idea what was happening to Goku when he achieved it.