
If they do it's usually not from the actor. They wouldn't pay the actor to record placeholder lines with no acting effort.

Essentially they want more curated videos than just having every minute of gameplay from random people streamed.

Well yeah, from a scientific perspective, that shit's about to crash into the Earth!

May as well break up now to save money.

Miyamoto checks Kotaku's front page before the conference...

So then...The Last Guardian becomes Shadow of the Colossus 2?

They told him to step down, instead he stepped it up.

As I said, it'll likely be on PS4 in the future.

Halo has a large following, so a title like Titanfall probably wouldn't need to be outside Xbox and PC to be popular. Probably doesn't matter anyway since it's likely gonna be on PS4 in the future.

Too much money is spent making an appearance at E3 to just casually leak their biggest title before the event.

Some companies will intentionally leak for fans to get excited, because leaks are more interesting to people than normal teasers. That said most intentional leaks are just teasers and not full trailers.

I was replying to the statement "They're not the ones that had to remove the essential peripheral of their consoles because nobody would buy it."

Comparing Xbox One sales to 3DS, not sure why you would compare the two.

I'm talking about the Xbox One, not the Vita.

Nobody would buy it = 5 million sold.

Still waiting on that suspend/resume mode.

Everyone's made a Hello World already too. That's what makes it a good introduction to a programming language.

Yes. I rented Wolfenstein and bought Watch Dogs, I wish I did the opposite.

Awesome takes time, but time doesn't make awesome.