I’m still not understanding why he is rescinding it. Because people complained that he was doing it under pressure? I dont understand if that was true or not.
I’m still not understanding why he is rescinding it. Because people complained that he was doing it under pressure? I dont understand if that was true or not.
Clear and Present Danger was a great Tom Clancy movie. Harrison does a good job of just being an analyst in that one too. The few times he has to engage, he’s portrayed as clumsy.
Can we talk about the edit job in that video? My god. Just show me the monkey breaking the glass. I dont need repeated loops and looped vocals as a means of making it more impactful.
White Priveledge
So no one is going to bring up the point that they are admitting that “White Nationalism” is securely part of the Right. Since they compare the White Nationalists to people on the other side.
The problem is that everyone is assuming Clinton’s or Trump. Neither seems plausible.
The real culprit was 1 of thousands who does not want their name mentioned.
I work in the industry and this will be a continued trend until they are all gone. It’s becoming very difficult to legally have lootboxes in many nations and the USA is looking like it might join those regulations soon as well.
Further, even if the US didn’t ban them, its becoming a lot more work to keep different…
“You think that’s racist, watch this” - Papi twirls hands in front of himself while unveiling an even more racist trump moment... probably.
So would you prefer that they accept Amazon’s money and...
They do it because it works. Gaslighting at this point is a proven recipe. No matter how absurd the comments are, just repeating lies and counter-comments is enough. Saying she hates America as a defacto fact when theres nothing to actually pin that on, is the go to move. Repeating it non-stop is how it becomes more…
Yeah, no.
And ill be playing it. Really happy with the whole final product of this game. Just so much to do.
who hasn’t played in years because no one in the NFL would touch him after he stood up for what he believed in.
EA is the publisher. Publishers primarily handle marketing unless they have a weird contract.
I know it wasn’t just you guys. And I know they would have (probably already) found out. But do you guys ever feel like when you “report” on these types of games, you’re accelerating the takedown?
Yeah. Thats the only downside. I dont fault the players at all for making these levels. But if the way for showcasing them is this random generation with your own game world, they’re gonna need a better way of filtering/searching the type of creations you want to play.
Completely fine with it. Its a single-player game. Exploiting and playing games the “wrong” way has always been a part of video game culture. As long as it doesnt ruin the game or fun for other people, its cool.
I’d play this. But it would be very hard if the camera kept scrolling to different parts while you were trying to fight. Bad game design.