
She absolutely did not do that.

I think, in context, she’s saying that *she* would look like a malnourished bird if she lost a lot of weight.

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

I’m a pretty straight dude but goddamn today would be an awesome fucking day to be a gay lioness ready to pounce.

Lol. Maybe they need to break out the smelling salts after all the pearl-clutching and panicked breathing.

I haven’t had any neggy comments on mine yet! Well, one of my friends, who is very into conspiracy theories and Alex Jones, was like, “its a distraction from TPP!! I’m happy and all but wake up SHEEPLE!! American is now a dictatorship!”

I have an FB friend who simply copied and pasted Scalia’s entire dissent. So another friend was like “So I guess you’re against the decision?” and he was all “Damn right, I’m against it! STATES RIGHTS!!”

The only negative comment I’ve seen on my FB was something about the government staying out of people’s lives. Um, I think this is accomplishing that. Now the government doesn’t have to worry about the genders of the two adults getting married. Seems easier to me.

I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.

All of my conservative family members have not let out a single peep. The rest of my former conservative friends from the church I left I've long since dropped/blocked so I'm pleased to see nothing but love on my feed so far. So much different than a few years ago.

I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.

Creationist logic is to throw up a smokescreen of lies to make it easier for people to believe. Lets not forget that transitional fossils sometimes require a fair amount of training to understand the transitions they show.... creationists tend to posit (if they accept the fossils at all) that the fossil finds are

I LOVE that my Facebook page is like 95% happiness and rainbows and the few conservative FB friends I have left are just SILENT. As they should be. If you can’t say something nice, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

I never understood the “lack of transitional species” logic. The fossil record is a bazillion years old, do creationists really expect to have it presented to them in a nice orderly fashion without any gaps? I think we are lucky to find anything at all.

When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOVe the fact that the more progressive we get, the more and more these people sound like absolute LOONEY TOONS.

They’re so SALTY!!! I live...


They were drawn on there. To scale.

I consider myself just a giant spaceship for my gut bacteria.
What is that Captain?
You need more crew and want me to eat more yogurt?