
yo, who would win in a fight, Halo or Zelda? Halo's got all those cool gunz but Zelda's got that magic shield and sword shit.

I am gonna get soooooo drunk

This is going to be the highlight of my week!!

Thanks for letting us know.

I almost snorted out of laughter at the idea of taking Elder Scrolls lore seriously. They do such a poor job of telling the story...

Wow, you must be a hit at parties.

You are so tough...poor soul.

I remember when I was a kid, and obviously obsessed with Pokemon being a kid in the 90s, there was a Pikachu stuffed animal inside a claw machine. I wanted it so bad, and every time I went to that diner with the claw machine, I would get a quarter from my dad to play it. Night after night, I'd fail. Then one night, I

Now playing

All I could think of when I read the title

It would be awesome if randomly for the next few years people who died just left their crap to Taylor. Small fortunes, 10 cats, a run down shack in the middle of Nebraska, whatever, just leave it to Taylor.

I still think we should have lead with this gif.

Nintendo 3DS XL w/ The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Bundle ($200) | Walmart

Cats everywhere live in fear.

Who the hell googles "bing"????

Maybe not. Remember when Madonna deigned to see Twelve Years A Slave in the theater and called someone a slaver for shushing her? This may be a clear sign of the recession, when our generation's greatest divas are forced to watch movies in a room full of people, like a peasant.

If anyone wrote to an advice column about their elderly relative acting like that, they'd be told to get them to a doctor ASAP.

No need to fret, it will only be there *sunglasses* tempura-rily.