Carter Brownlee

If the 2ds actually looked like that, I'd buy it.

You know I wouldn't be surprised is that was intentional. That's probably a page people are going to immediately flip to.

Hot could he do that to a limited edition pokemon 3DS. It makes me sick inside.

Love the art, but think it would do better as a steelbook than a paper insert.

I think 3DS Micro would have done a better name. Seriously. You got the Gameboy Micro, and now you can have the 3DS or DS Micro...

It may not be supported amazingly, but I think its being supported welly enough. I have the Vita, and have no problems with how its being with games.

I won't be able to get one until like January, I'm in the middle of moving and too much financial shit, but yeah, I have been buying everything online. Both EB Games and Amazon, just depending on which on it still selling my collector's edition.

Yeah, that makes sence. Glad to see you taking life optimistically with your daughter and helping her enjoy a great pass time.

First off I have to laugh at the word revolutionary....please give me a second.
Okay, but it's a hardware launch, and it's all over hype driving it. Did you not see the 360 and PS3 launches? What about even the PS1, PS2 and Xbox launches? Wii launches, and GameCube launches, their all fucking huge.

Yeah I get you, it's only because I'm too lazy to type out the actual name.

No, but Apple releases new shit like it's nobody's buissnes.

It's very heart warming to see how video games can help this girl have fun by using the Wii U and the 3DS XL and Vita also featured in the video. I also like two other peoples comments about how this girl could use use Oculus Rift and how it's funny that the news doesn't cover good stories like this about video games,

I was gonna say 3DS and Vita, but then again they could be considered Handhelds and not Consoles.

Yeah, I've had that happen before in my near plaza. Also the reason people pre order stuff, is to make sure they get a copy. Now here's where I sort of agree with you. I think pre ordering is only good for hardware, and special/limited editions of a game. You never see a store run out of copies of a regular edition of

As a PlayStation Fanboy, I am dieing to hear the Xbone will launch after the PS4 and give Sony a small advantage.

Ever been to pick up a game on day 1? There is still a line. For me I had to wait an hour in line that wrapped around the whole building outside, just for Black Ops 2. Now take in the fact this is not a game, but a HARDWARE launch which will be 10x more popular. Yeah your not walking in and walking out in 2 minutes.

Harry Potter anyone?

The $150 version is definatley not worth if for me in a hundred years. A hat....yeah I don't wear hats. A fake key and a bag.....yeah no. I got the $80 version, which will be worth it for me if the blue print map paper is any good quality. But I would still be happy with paying an extra $20 for just a steelbook. I

The moment at 1:01 in the original trailer, was the biggest, OH MY GOD moment I've ever had playing video games. Seriously, that was the plot twist, and it twisted every bit of HOLY SHIT out of me.

Someone please explain to me the similarities between GTA V and The Last of Us? No one? Okay, there must not be any.