Ronnie Schreiber

I don't know if it's one of the worst EVs, but my grandson looked really cute in this neighborhood EV from China's ZD.

AM General DJ-5E Electruck.

The 1906 Orient Buckboard used a similar friction drive. What's cool about it is that reverse is actuated by just moving the driven wheel past the center of the drive wheel, where the surface of the drive wheel is moving in the opposite relative direction.

So when will there be the first Jewish Native American winner in NASCAR?

Each body panel is then positioned on a stand exactly as it would be assembled on the body.

the economy is still rather fucked

Brooks Stevens' van based on the Jeep FC "forward control" pickups. He had three of them made.

gang assault by the NYPD,

Another person was arrested on suspicion of gang assault by the NYPD

Mr. Mosher,

Downsized B bodies of 1977. Smaller in every dimension on the outside, bigger in every dimension inside and they could actually be made to handle. Nice crisp styling, too. And then they went and made the X cars. Lo, how the mighty are fallen.

I can understand why a marketing company might want to poke a little fun at a client on a private web site, but to make the parody site open to the public and include Facebook and Twitter accounts seems to me like they were at least imprudent and maybe even trying to sabotage the relationship with their client.

Buying a Korean, German or Japanese car can support America as much as any Ford put together in Turkey.

70 ways to kill a joke.

The McLaren M1B, the first Chevy powered McLaren race car. It was sold by Bruce McLaren back in the 1960s to a Ford engineer who made it street legal. Note the license plate on the back. More pics here.