I was wondering why this doesn’t come up more. Sperm of 50+ fathers is becoming linked to more problems, previously only attributed to 35+ mothers. Tick tick tick...
I was wondering why this doesn’t come up more. Sperm of 50+ fathers is becoming linked to more problems, previously only attributed to 35+ mothers. Tick tick tick...
My brother worked in the Public Defender’s office and died of a stress-related heart attack last year. It just never ever stopped and he’d get harassed by police at traffic stops if they realized what his job was.
I have a hunch that there is an inverse relationship between size of actual balls and how much space is claimed for them on public transportation... along with size of the dick that accompanies them. You’re overcompensating, fellas, and you’re not fooling anyone.
Did it too. Never at Waffle House though. Maybe I was doing it wrong.
Just another variation of average, normal, run-of-the-mill, fucked-up family shit.
I live in Amsterdam and am so incredibly frustrated by the police response to this. It could’ve happened right here. There’s no difference between Amsterdam and Hamburg and it could’ve just as easily happened to any of us anywhere. How the hell do you have 500+ women assaulted in just a few hours time, in the same…
Same issue, just add a dodgy hip joint to the mix wick 8 was aggravated by a bike fall in the Summer. I still commute by bike everyday, walk to shop & carry my groceries home. It seems to be the combination my maternal middle-aged body can handle and it rewards me with reasonable health, stamina, body proportions & a…
Let’s just end 2015 right here and right now with this little triumph over evil. {Fireworks. Applause.} I can’t go another 2 days because that’s too much time for revenge of the *little shits*.
February birthdays. Everyone is looking for an excuse to party in the dark of Winter. Mine is too close to Valentines, which sucks because romance. But otherwise, a February birthday is a great excuse to booze-up and brunch-out in the deep midwinter.
OMG so after being out of fashion since 1995 when I decided to drop the chemicals and go with my natural hair I am now IN FASHION! Victoria Secret now recognizes the beauty of what I’ve looked like all along some 20 YEARS after I started wearing my hair like this. I do not need Victoria Secret to legitimize any part…
Donald Trump has his own ideas about what should happen to that baby girl.
Comfort food. Not supposed to be challenging to the senses. Just a warm cuddle for your mouth in each bite.
Dear god, Corrections Collections. For profit prisons, indeed. As if coming after you for repaying your college debt wasn’t enough. Now if you’re unfortunate enough to get caught up in prison instead, you’re going to have pay back the *loans* for that too! And what about all those hours worked at low wages in prison?
Next: fake whiteheads. So cute!
Netherlander here. Somebody is making big bucks off of Anne Frank’s legacy. She is big business. For example is “Anne Frank - The Musical”, which has been running here in Amsterdam for at least a couple of years AND had it’s own special theater built for it. We should all be very suspicious of this change in…
I’m 47 with 3 sons. Basically, I will not be sleeping tonight. This is scarier than anything that was out there running around on Halloween.
Far better than having to watch the real thing. Unfortunately though, it does raise standards and expectations for entertainment that the real View cannot achieve.
That’s exactly how we got the disaster that’s mandatory drug sentencing.
Oatmeal is misunderstood! Drop the milk and butter idea. Throw that soppy shit out. Boil the oats in water, add some chopped apples, raisins, cinnamon and Dutch apple-syrup. Don’t forget the salt! Oatmeal is awesome but it’s not just going to sit there and season itself. You need to work for it!
I would do perverse things to this breakfast sandwich. And I’m lactose intolerant and turn into a murderously gassy MF. But fuck the world; I’m eating it.