Yep, same! Also I know the story isn’t necessarily that gripping to everyone and that I get too excited about it so I thought, OK, be cool.
Yep, same! Also I know the story isn’t necessarily that gripping to everyone and that I get too excited about it so I thought, OK, be cool.
Tl;dr: Jared Leto, Terry Richardson, plaid, violation of personal space
hahahahhahaha godDAMN this rocks
One of my biggest red flags for women is when one says "I just don't get along with girls."
Here's the deal. I have my opinion about Nickleback. I do not like their music at all. However, I feel so bad about how much shit we've given them, I'm going to stop giving them shit. Yes I know they make a ton of money etc. etc. but it is possible that they love what they do (not. biting. my own bait there) and…
you are wonderful.
I lol'd at faucets
Incredible. My 2o lb. cat Jake (RIP: 1992-2013) thought vacuums were straight up portals to hell.
YES. I wish I could second this 100 times.
I think Taylor Swift is beautiful. I also think bad posture nullifies attractiveness in any person. I know she's super tall and it's a reflex of that (she's said so before, I read in Rolling Stone) but dude is it a major bummer. ANY person with a head confidently held high catches my eye first and foremost.
Or just don't wear foundation...?
See? This is the kind of click bait that makes me want to stop reading Jez.
My partner & I paid 65$ each and they're still center seats - did you already see the show?!
Oops - meant to reply to you but started a new thread.
I understand that people dislike Beyonce, and I understand people dislike all kinds of things for that matter - but what I can never understand is why people feel the need to call other people "trash" on a public forum. For example, I can definitely classify a few people as "trash" in my head, but I can't imagine…
Could we note that the major stated issue by this news story is that a teacher got a lapdance & taught kids how to twerk (definite ew) — but not that she drove a student home DRUNK. /yikes
Please, please stop reporting things that don't exist.