
You know, we had essentially open borders with Mexico and Canada when I was a kid, and it was not considered a huge deal. Because we haven’t been at war with either country in a long, long, long time.

In this Vermont town, you can cross the Canadian border by switching sides of the movie theater:

True, but I thought the first one was going to be derivative and instead I fell in love. I trust Coogler.

ActBlue Charities has started a page where you can donate to a bunch of organizations working on this issue at once (including the Young Center and the ACLU):

Santa Barbara rarely gets warmer than 70 in June. And rarely gets colder than 60. Basically, a light sweater or jacket is de rigeur for coastal California summers.

Rewatched this Monday night and this whole shot was just an extended wooooooofffffffffff. Like, I felt it in my ankles.

Yeah, I was like, “FUCK not Rocky Horror...oh it’s some rapper nvm nbd.”

I used to think they were terrible at reading a situation, but now I think they don’t care that the woman isn’t interested.

“ seemed to go uncalled, especially on Harden.”

I think you got me and someone else confused. I said, yes, actually, journalists DO confirm the accuracy of quotations with their sources, especially if it’s been a while since the interview or if it’s possible the quote could be interpreted different ways.

I have never heard of this fucker before, and based on his taste in movies, I don’t need to learn anything more about him.

This has been my policy since there have been enough female OBGYNs for it to be a choice. (I once lived in a small town where the only two GYNs were older men who were extremely active in their very conservative churches. It was an excruciating situation for any unmarried woman who was having sex.)

I was going to be like, “Hey, everyone to his own opinion, and this movie was not really made with white Frenchmen in mind.”

The neighbors along that stretch of Lakeshore have a long, long history of complaining loudly about melinated gatherings in what they clearly regard as their private park. Like, I can pull receipts going back to the ‘90s.

I just “Holy Shitted.”

“Confirm” is not the same as “approve.” Asking a source if you heard or understood them correctly avoids the problem of having to run this kind of correction:

How about a statue of Rebecca Crumpler, who became the first black female doctor in the United States in 1864, devoted a large part of her practice to caring for former slaves and indigent children, and published a treatise on maternal health in 1883?

Jeez, has it only been a year? This dystopian fantasy future feels like it’s been going on forever.

I teach journalism and it is absolutely normal to ask a source to confirm a quote — in fact, it’s recommended for rookies. What we don’t do is let sources preview or edit our stories.

White woman here reminding you to check your privilege.