I can understand their logic; I mean, the men-only thing is working so well for the Masons and Odd Fellows...
I can understand their logic; I mean, the men-only thing is working so well for the Masons and Odd Fellows...
Oh, my goodness. You need to read the rest of the conversation; we've already covered this ground.
Oh, my goodness. You need to read the rest of the conversation; we've already covered this ground.
About 20,000 in my city of 400,000. (Hard to find stats that don't conflate recent African immigrants with African Americans!)
Thanks for the clarification! A lot of the immigrants in my area came here before independence, so Eritreans and Ethiopians got lumped together. (And you get restaurants like Cafe Eritrea d'Afrique, which serves "Ethiopian" food.)
I saw this recently for the first time and it was surprisingly good! Like, Time Bandits-level good!
I probably should have written "confusing for newbies because the Italian menu items seem to come out of nowhere"! (I've been eating Eritrean/Ethiopian since 1982; my U.S. city actually has two "little Ethiopia" neighborhoods, an Ethiopian Orthodox church, a tej winery, and multiple places you can buy injera.)
It means "fucking delicious, so sorry you have never eaten any" in Amharic.
The menu at an Eritrean restaurant in the U.S. can be a little confusing: Timatim fitfit, yemessir wat, gomen, spaghetti...
They are KILLING it with the hats! I love this!
Sigh. I bow to your superior tiny print reading. STILL a gorgeous building. The one in Venice is the homely sibling of the lot.
Given that we're wearing flats in Northern California, that must mean the average heel height in Los Angeles is closer to 3 inches.
Unimpressed AT the Guggenheim, not unimpressed WITH the Guggenheim. If nothing else, it's a gorgeous Frank Lloyd Wright building.
I'm still trying to figure out when our proud plains warriors turned to freebooting and piracy. I missed that week in American history, I guess.
When I am drinking, I often: make sudden movements! Belch malodorously! Gyrate my hips in a sexual manner to attract potential mates! Browse Craigslist for potential mates!
Still too soon.
An offensive, edgy costume is when a half-dozen art students make a huge anatomically accurate penis costume and run it down the street while spraying other Halloween partiers with shaving cream. "Ray and Janay Rice" is just dumb and awful.
Sounds like bad parenting, to me.
I would love to see "flipped covers" for books like "All the Pretty Horses" or "Basin and Range." I could imagine "The Great Gatsby" getting full romance-novel treatment.
It looks as if literally all they gave the artists was the title and author's name.