Carmelo Yello

All the cool kids would call them "fresh kicks"

It's like my Grandma used to say, "Carmello, if you go out looking for trouble you're bound to find it."

Finally, my high school French is paying off.

That and claiming there's no middle ground and that its all a revolution, blah blah know like Dr King envisioned.

Yeah, she could have done a lot of good if she'd just done this instead: #CancelColbertAndFuckDanSnyderWithARustyTomahawk

In the Salon article she paints the struggle as Oriental v White man, ride or die homie. I'm co-opting her own speech...much like she co-opted criticism of Dan Snyder's OAF organization (love that acronym btw) and placed the light on her real interest, herself.

Did you read the article?

If you read the article, that's the point of her pseudonym.

For a sweet, sweet bit of irony check this profile piece out:

I know right? Prince Fielder would be the American version of Ronaldo

Oof, I hate that chant with a passion

Ain't no shame in a CBI quarterfinal exit, remember that.

gah, the horror

Guys, its all a numbers game. If 100% of a crowd is African American, then at best your only going to be at 3/5 capacity for the event.

Fuckin' Magpies

Hey dipshit, Cincy's not in Appalachia. We've got enough problems, we don't need this one.

Italian Fourth Division

If you do get off your ass and head down to Sandy, try to catch the Rapids-FSL match. It's a great rivalry and a lot of fun. I'll try not to hurt your feelings from the away stands.

How about a Dr Hook? Now that's a drink.