
God, I remember when it came out on the virtual console on the Wii I picked it up and had a couple friends over to try to beat it. It took us hours, swapping off every game over, and each one of us forgot about that whole “restart and find the bracelet!” bullshit.

It was 3am by that point. We still haven’t beaten it

I almost didn’t post it because of that story, actually. I figured people would accuse me of copying it, like has happened!

The good news is, I can’t make half the crazy jumps he could, so the danger of that happening is pretty low.

My grandfather had come to visit at some point after Mario Kart 64 had come out, either a January or February. That would have made me 10. He was watching me play it, and thought it looked like some fun, so I hooked a controller up for him. We had a blast, and that summer when I flew to visit him in the state where he

Based on the fiery logo from awhile ago, I'm hoping it's these.

I dunno, I still kind of like it, despite the fact it gets me just BOILING and shrieking with rage. The tracks are gorgeous and have significantly more variety to them than the first game. It's got a lot of plusses, but the unforgiving difficulty is a GIGANTIC minus. I shouldn't feel like I'm playing on Expert when

Yeah, I'll agree that the "NO" was probably a bit much, but I still had a way easier time with the F-zero's than I did with this. I dunno, I'ma keep playing it (hopefully without smashing everything up) because I want to see what the last character is all about. Maybe I'll figure something out and have a vastly

No, I agree that it can be done, I'm working my way to try to get the last two characters and handful of mods in World Tour mode myself, but I've hit the same wall Owen did, and the game just won't let me win any races period. Won't even let me come close. Even if I trick off everything, hit the boosts, etc, the

I was reading the other reviews of the game, and didn't understand them. I want to like the game so bad, but it just demolishes me at every single turn. I'm glad I'm not the only one out there.

It's not at all like the first one. It's exponentially more difficult and unforgiving.

The stages are really great, and the music's awesome (when I heard You Can Do Anything in that first Sonic course, it made my heart shine). However, what isn't fun is the fact that I find myself constantly battling to just stay in FOURTH. Considering that I nearly 1000/1000'd the first game, I'm just baffled at how

No, I understand that Oatmeal cooks at all times of the day. However, to my understanding, it's also traditionally a breakfast food.

I once had a very bad experience at a McDonald's that just got me steamed.

Was this a lightning deal or something? It's showing 29.99 for me. Or, is there a coupon code I need?

But then I spent so many nights, thinkin' how you did me wrong,

Plok was great. I still have my copy :D The music was real badass, and the suits you'd get were pretty rad. I still, to this day, haven't beaten it, though.

This. A million times this. I watched it this morning before work, a few times. I am excite.

A wizard did it, duh. You can't see him, he's off-panel.

Wait, we're getting new info about it tonight?! I actually was trying to finish the expansion over this past weekend, and I got to the rather infuriating fight with the Forgotten One. After a long time, I almost had him, and then my game froze. #ragequit

I don't know why I never hearted you before, so I went ahead and fixed that problem. Thanks for the scans!