
I've always enjoyed Xenogears. I enjoyed it when I first played it somewhere about 8 years ago, and I still enjoy it. I have a friend that enjoyed it as well back then, but now tells me it's a shitty game. His argument is, "take off your nostalgia goggles." It's like, what does that even mean? It's as if he's

Personally? I wept. Then I put the controller on the floor, turned off the PS3, and went outside, rethinking my life.

I love the Vita, but I only have a handful of actual Vita games on it. I'm still a bit miffed there's no way to transfer my UMD games to it, but I still have my PSP, so that's good.

I will still posit that Lumines 2 is the best Lumines. Electronic Symphony is really, really good though, and through inclusion of the shuffle block has made me better at prior Lumineses (Lumini?)

I agree with you for the most part on Katamari, but one of the shoulder buttons will do your quick turn. I think it's L.

There is no such thing as unbiased news, unless you're literally just giving off an event. "Dragon's Dogma has on-disc DLC" is a statement that cannot be spun. However, once the article starts being written as far as how it's being implemented, why it happens to be on-disc, etc, people will put their own opinions into

Okay, so, what's with all the hate for game reviews/game reviewers? I say this thanks to the apparent outrage from Kotaku not liking Dragon's Dogma.

Of course, the second I scroll down to this gif is the moment my boss walks by. Not in trouble, but I did get an odd look.

I think that, if he wanted to, he could totally cut down Cesar Clown. He removed Smoker's actual, physical heart, after all. I think he plans on using Luffy and Cesar for something. I'd also be willing to bet the Emperor he's going after to try to take down is Shanks.

They'd have to do some AI tweaking, maybe so that the opposition "marked" players instead of "OH HEY LETS ALL GO AFTER THE BALL AT THE SAME TIME," but with some added options to how to control your squad, and multiplayer with friends against each other, I don't see how it couldn't be a good idea. I'm pipe-dreaming

Yeah, but Tetra Master wasn't as fun, and the fact they had it as its own stand-alone thing probably turned a lot of people off of it. I would have paid that one dollar extra if I could have, say, wandered around the world playing it with people in game, not in some lobby somewhere else. I think they lost a lot of

I've been saying for YEARS now that Squeenix just needs to release a Blitzball game for XBLA/PSN. I'd totally buy it. That and Triple Triad.

I loved it, but my copy got stolen by someone I once considered a friend. Never have gotten it back.

That still doesn't sound like a problem to me.

Wait wait wait, I'm not the only person that enjoys playing B&K: N&B? Do you have Live? And, of course, do you still need the multiplayer Achievements?

Thanks to poor planning, I'm back to juggling current releases! WHAT HAPPENED, ME? Anyway...

I really don't understand what the problem is; it's not the first time Sony's copied an idea. :p
