Yes. Pure, uncut, Columbian Google.
Yes. Pure, uncut, Columbian Google.
I had a friend do that to me with the old Megaman 3 Nintendo Power poster. He had found one on Ebay and purchased it for me for my birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise, but he opened it up while I was at his house, thinking it was a different package! I got all jelly, he started faux-rubbing it in my face. A…
That'd be great if I had ever seen him look for or purchase a Saturn game beforehand. Plus, he knew I was a huge Megaman fanatic, and on top of that it was the literal day after I had just been talking about seeking out Saturn 8 (for the Cutman/Woodman bosses and concept art extras)! Plus, he got it with those three…
My brother got me a copy of it on the Saturn for my birthday that following year. It's in Japanese, but I'm counting it anyway :p
Ok, so, I'm not really sure what the "theme" is here, but who has a friend like this?
This one always bugged me, because they used the word "another." How did they know that wasn't the FIRST Bandai game I've finished?
I understand that completely. I rather liked the Battle Networks, and the one for the WS was actually like the gamecube one, where it was side scrolling. I'm rather envious of your Rockman and Forte WS though. I'm hunting for the japanese ones now, but they're all so fraggin' expensive! My brother was nice enough to…
Haven't played P3, but I can tell you that Vile mode gets better after you get a few different weapons and get used to how he plays. Still not the greatest thing ever, but he does get some pretty OP stuff later.
They are each stand-alones.
That'd be cool for people who didn't buy the game when it came out.
Nice! My jap games include Rockman X2, Rockboard, and Operation Shooting Star. Do you also have the EXE game that was on the Wonderswan?
I think if I dug deep enough, I could find a full roster of only Sony characters. Maybe. That being said, I totally agree that third parties involved would only be better.
Brawl was also game 3 in the series. I think that, for now, they need to stick with making the game fun, rather than trying to cram 3rd parties into it yet.
Those are...actually quite good looking! It's a shame I refuse to buy DLC that's costume packs like this.
So, in opposition to the thread I made yesterday, what are your greatest game triumphs? Again, not acutally within a game, but finding a game you thought you lost, finding a rare game for cheap, that kind of thing. I'll start us off again:
Of those two, ME2. I hated Mirror's Edge and am a bit ME fan though, so I'm a bit biased.
Good to know! I haven't played in ages; I thought the instance was in another ally town, not SW.
Nah, because it's a desert, I bet there's oil! Plus, isn't there an instance to be run in the middle of Org anyway?
I know all about game loss data; my brother got mad at me one day and erased any game he could. The newest game at the time was Starfox 64, and I had gold medal'd all planets, even on hard. Gone. All my stars in Mario 64? gone. My SNES RPG save files? Gone. Repeat for each game I had where he could figure out how to…
Everyone complaining about Org being more pricey than Stormwind is forgetting the three most important rules of real estate: