Aha. Now I know. Makes me wonder if I hit that button before I left for work today...
Aha. Now I know. Makes me wonder if I hit that button before I left for work today...
Deathnote's garbage, don't waste your time with it. Noein is a pretty good watch, I enjoyed it immensely. I'll also plug One Piece, just because it's amazing. Yes, it's been going on for awhile, but I remember every single arc. It's a pretty awesome series.
Awesome. At least I know that Tactics Ogre will still need to be downloading when I get off work this afternoon :\
I don't know when, but it was at least before the GBA Ambassador games came out. Maybe not the other ones. Then again, I didn't know until someone told me about it, so there's that.
The 3DS can download in the background, though; you can hit "download later" and it'll download in the background. That's how I queued up all my ambassador titles and had them download overnight.
Alright, fellow Vita owners, I have a question for YOU! Is there a way to tell the thing to keep downloads going in Standby mode? I queued up Tactics Ogre last night before bed, and woke up this morning only to find it pauses downloads while in standby; a feature that kind of annoys me.
I'll have to check out the vid when I get home, embedded videos don't work on these work computers.
No, unfortunately I was a Nintendo kid back then, I missed out on everything except for what was on my friend's Genesis/CD, and eventually my bro's Dreamcast (which quickly became my Dreamcast). 'cause you know, back then, you couldn't have both a Sega and a Nintendo console.
I didn't even really think that; I don't think the diablo-style of gameplay would mesh well with Zelda, but the idea of a Zelda game from that perspective with Skyward Sword's visual style intruigues me. Also, hearted.
Would be nice; I mean, take a look at Four Swords Adventures for the Gamecube. It was pretty impressive looking for a top-down Zelda. Could you imagine say, Link to the Past with that kind of style? Or Link's Awakening? Or a brand-new console Zelda?
You've every right to be offended, but to be shocked? That seems a little sensationalist to me.
First off, really? You'd never hear to expect hurtful, baseless, stereotypcial nonsense from gamers? Have you not played Call of duty or Halo with random groups before? This shouldn't surprise you at all.
Whew! Glad it wasn't just me that had that arcade experience.
I know a couple guys that are fighting game enthusiasts, and they are some of the worst people to game with. Beat them once, it's a fluke. Or something was wrong with their controller/stick. They beat you in sudden-death after a two-round tie, you suck at the game and they totally raped you at it. It's a reason I…
Never played it on the PSP, so maybe it is faster. Which just means the PSP was sloooooooooooooow with it.
It was just such an intense battle; you really got the feeling that this is the make or break point for Green Earth reclaiming their territory. It's also why Hawke was my favorite character in that game. "To be defeated is to lose everything, are you prepared for that outcome?"
Star Tropics. Give it a facelift, make it look like, I dunno, some of the later top-down Zelda games, and add in a few new gameplay mechanics, and take my money.
I graduated High School in 2004, so somewhere in the ballpark from '98-'99.
Yeah, and he's got like, a million jets and I think a one-panel factory that churns out something different each turn (maybe that was hard mode though).
I've got it queued up on my Gamefly, so I'll find out whenever they send it to me. Someone else also posted a quite negative post about it a bit further down, saying how it's a lot more race-based, and how jumping in a cave usually results in smacking into the ceiling and falling into lava. Just doesn't sound good.