D’Angelo shot over 50% last night so, no, I don’t see the resemblance. The rest of your post? Hot taek, good kinja.
Shut up, Byron.
It’s his rookie season and he’s enjoying himself
“Go on”
-Josh Hamilton
One man’s bit of pedantry is another’s interesting digression and for me a learning experience. A bit more on it here and here. (I’d have guessed it for some kind of movie set, or else architecture inspired by that regional industry... but causality goes the other way — apparently a lot of us have seen it in…
You are a danger to everyone anywhere & your childish justifications here just scream self-entitlement—But you won’t realize that until you either kill yourself —Or some innocent others out there. Just. Don’t. NO. OK ?
There’s no 75 mph limit in CA. 70 max and only in the “rural” areas.
I drive through there at least once a week.
I’ve been shouting into the wind since this thread started. Everyone keeps referring to the spot where the wreckage ended up at some kind of “lengthy stretch of arrow-straight road” where 85-90 wouldn’t be that fast.
Not on the 5, and certainly not through that stretch of the 5 between Carmenita and the 605. That area is always backed up. You'll be lucky to break 65, even in the middle of the night.
Disappointing that neither of the offending drivers is counted in the “3 dead”
False. No 75mph posted signs anywhere on the 5 in Los Angeles. The only part where the 5 has a posted 70mph limit that’s near LA is from the Grapevine to Stockton.
You don’t seem biased at all.
SMDH. When I was a kid, neighborhood play was permitted until the streetlight came on. Just let kids be kids.
Toyota did pretty well with the FJ Cruiser. Its sort of 2doorish. Remember its going to be a modern interpretation of what a Bronco will be, not a re-hash of the original. Actually it will be a US Everest, but that’s still a sweet truck - its just overpriced in our market... we can’t have nice cheap things down-under…
Bowles needs to sue their asses into the ante-bellum period.
Whew. Good thing he has that “PAGANI” plate. Totally thought it was a Corolla until I saw it.
Now as gawker celebrates the man’s death because he found the constitution did not support gay marriage as a right, or any marriage as a right for that matter and gizmodo celebrates his death as a boon to climate change progress we have jalopnik pointing out that the same man following the same compass which he used…
And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.