My friend with HIDs’ got confused for one of those assholes. He got tailgated and had high beams shined on him. Then he got behind the asshole wannabe and turned on his high beams. It was like the sun came out at midnight.
My friend with HIDs’ got confused for one of those assholes. He got tailgated and had high beams shined on him. Then he got behind the asshole wannabe and turned on his high beams. It was like the sun came out at midnight.
Agent 0 sounds more like Agent ( o )
I can’t wait until the Washington Mystics hire Mo Cheeks as their next head coach.
Rondo à la Jerk
3 min, 5 max. And then appear in an NBA “cares” commercial
Normally they would, but because it was in Mexico, the exchange rate is different.
I think they set the precedent with the Donald Sterling situation.
Just more proof that you can’t really co-opt an offensive term in the hopes of removing the sting. Certain words just don't belong in the vernacular, no matter who uses them.
shouldnt that warrant more than a 1 game suspension? Since Kobe did it a few years ago hasnt the NBA made this a point of emphasis?
Not after they get stolen. In L.A., that could be a “single use” for a nice car.
Be sure to also tell the stamp collectors that their objects of affection should be stuck to envelopes and used as postage, just as intended.
Bummer. Hate to see that horse people have resorted to playing the race card.
Wait, what? 1.000 OPS is phenomenal. A 1.000 OPS season would qualify as the 400th best OPS season of all time. Expecting a 1.000 OPS from any player in any season, or judging a player by number of 1.000 OPS seasons is silly
I would also add (and this is already tied into the better pitching angle) that we are now in the longest period with no expansion since 1961 so pitching is better not only at the top end but across the board as you don’t have sub-MLB quality pitchers hanging around only because there are extra roster spots to fill.
It’s nice to see a world where even bad baseball teams recognize that Heyward deserves a better deal than Davis. Davis is a nice slugger, but he has the potential for an ugly decline phase and can only really play in the AL long-term because his defense isn’t great and will likely only get worse.
LSU thought they had the budget to give Fisher everything he needed to be successful, but the cost of relocating the entire Tallahassee police department to Baton Rouge proved to be prohibitive.
I met my first boyfriend when I was 13 and he was 24. The above, “If anything I was a victim of delusion.” comment in regards to not being (or not wanting to be) a victim rings very true. My girlfriends were 18ish and I deluded myself that everything was cool. It was not. He was very immature, controlling, as fucked…