
That's the wrong black label. You want the Jalopnik, Breakfast Scotch, Black label.

America loves it some mid-size sedans. Wagons might be more practical and crossovers are now outselling the humble

I suspect all Audi engines from 1997 on suffer from this DI or not. Also many of their smaller engines can be pretty high strung for what they are. One of my friends has an a4 running at 18 psi with over 200k on the odo (and this car is beaten badly everyday by the owner) so that changed my mind about the 4 cylinders

Now playing

She is the worst Prius driver in the world.

This is the most advanced Camry we've made yet.

Well you people have had years to run fiber to my apartment in Manhattan which is FEET away from an internet backbone (the building google bought to be exact).

Not so much tank-like construction as built before crumple zones were figured out.

Possibly quick-thinking driver that wanted to make sure the car was totalled so they could get a new one.

A Volvo 240 (Jalop sweetheart) rear ends the only TSX wagon in the country (another sweetheart) with what looks like an early 90s Celica looking on, what are the odds?

Thanks for doing your Civic duty by sharing that pun with us.

Well you gotta hand it to that managed to make it up that hill on its own accord.

The worst one I ever saw (I worked at an aftermarket Euro-centric shop for three years) was an exploded transfer case. The owner must have switched their Jeep Grand Cherokee out of 2H and driven it for a while.

The spark plug - the design is pretty much as old as the ICE.

Please....just fix the gauges in the ATS, even the V has them.