
Just to confuse people more. From the reintroduction in 2000. Oddly enough there was a #00.

Note Traci Lords...

Should have stopped at the First Wave:

So can Sinestro superpower Ultraman if he wanted to? Yellow light and all.

Now playing

Brunnen G Fight Song, since I haven't gotten to post it in so long:

You do realize that strain posed no threat to humans correct? It just killed a whole bunch of primates. Nice quip but the Reston fiasco really wasn't an issue, though it could have been.

But there's a real person inside!

Where in NE did you live? Most of MA, RI, and CT are shit for transit. Also, large tracts of NY. Public transit is essentially unheard of in ME, VT, and NH. Boston, NYC , and Philly DO NOT count as most of the East Coast. I even left you all of the South Eastern US to make an argument with.

Oh you mean Rape Reptile *waits for Joe Quesada to make the character*

You're not my partner *takes out calipers*

He was complicit in murdering a fellow cadet.
He stepped on the fucking grass.
He save the space Navajos.

None of these are points in his favor...

He'd like to think that would work.

Damn confirmation bias.

There are multiple instances of "see" replacing "she".

Neil deGrasse Tyson...

That's a lie; Moby Lick and the Street Sharks got along swimmingly...

Not specifically, if the child is an "Abomination" like Alia or Paul's children (Leto II and Ghanima) and have passed the Spice Agony before birth or at a young age there are additional tests. Jessica and Gurney nearly kill Leto II on several occassions fearing that he is an Abomination. Also, his Spice Agony is


I'd prefer a Doctor that actually did something other than running. I never bought that Tennant was very destructive. For a Doctor that did, supposedly, a lot of killing he ran away frequently. I would much rather have a Doctor similar to the latest Cybermen - one that actually earned the reputation, the fear, etc.