125-59th on the A is roughly 40, 42.
125-59th on the A is roughly 40, 42.
It’s a little more precise than that passage about the 40mph top speeds. What that refers to is the mothballing of a system called ‘field shunting,’ which allowed for higher top speeds, and the installation of smoother (read: less biting) brakes that make rapid deceleration more difficult. Trains can still hit…
This job sucks, and it’s important to hear an account and feel a little sympathy...because otherwise, I hate these guys. They drive unbelievably recklessly, blow red lights all night long, kill pedestrians every few weeks when they skip through turns without looking, and disrespect every neighborhood they work. I see…
Still moves along in my experience, even with the limit attach. That road was a death trap for pedestrians though, but that’s mainly because it’s eighteen thousand lanes wide and goes through half the senior neighborhoods in Queens.
I remember driving for one of my first times as a teenager in a rental down 5th Avenue years back. Buses cutting me off, taxis hounding. I was doing about 25 in the little shitbox, and eventually one of the kids in the backseat just yelled out “you’re getting manhandled!” I sped up, claimed my space, and haven’t…
As a progressive and a general supporter of unions, all I can say is...this is a total disgrace. Not every union is this shitty, and I’d maybe change your language a little. I don’t think it’s ‘reaming.’ I think they’re just lazy, inept people who take the easiest options. I keep a rule about government, all forms: if…
Watch those subframes!
Man, if you think the “modern mainstream media” is some big bogeyman, you are the problem. Big television media has always been thoroughly mediocre, but they’re not in some conspiracy together, and print media is still fairly decent on most levels.
E46 owner here, want to throw my name in the ring for the “getting poorer by the day” category. [Miserable, not yet.]
Looks like Sweden to me!
Respe’k. I’d be too scared of salt.
Driving the exact same spec ZSP myself, but I can’t bring myself to put it out in the RI/NY salt. Underbody is so pristine for now.
Jesus, my comrade! Brings back bad memories. I was with a buddy in the middle of road between Texas and New Mexico, cruising in 5th at 90ish. I accelerated on an empty stretch to overtake and that was the end. Worst noises I’d ever heard. We’d completely changed the oil a couple days before and checked the dipstick…
I remember seeing an insane collection of “eh, doesn’t matter” mess-ups when I was buying mine (shopped used, oh boy). A ZHP with the entire sunroof and center light fixture missing and plated over, every car with headliner destroyed, almost every car “burning a little oil, not much,” the dreaded “VANOS stutter” on…
Me too. I’ve been nursing a failing fuel pump for some time (ran lean, was convinced it was the MAF, replaced that, not that) that means the car stalls on cold starts, meaning I have to rev to about 3k and hold it there until the fuel pressure builds on every start. Could also be a VANOS issue. The point is, I look…
I’m on my second one because I couldn’t quite kick the feeling. The first one hit a little less than that and, well, shortly after that came the end of the first one. To this date, the greatest mechanical catastrophe I have ever experienced in a car, and hopefully that will stay that way for some time. I believe it…
The credit survives, and the middle class doesn’t.
Seconded. I’ve never experienced so many inconveniences in a single vehicle on a regular basis, and yet I love the thing.
I appreciate this comment. I think his obviously intentional, artful, biological-bottleneck-evading misspelling of “Campbellian” was a nice touch.
The gas tax is a two-fold purpose: maintain roads, incentivize against burning fossil fuels. The second part is accomplished with EVs. Anyway, the feds haven’t touched that in decades. Gas taxes are mainly a state issue.