These things are not mutually exclusive. Our heads-down society needs to look up and listen, but having cars totally silent is a recipe for the hard of hearing or anybody momentarily distracted getting injured.
These things are not mutually exclusive. Our heads-down society needs to look up and listen, but having cars totally silent is a recipe for the hard of hearing or anybody momentarily distracted getting injured.
Even that’s hard to believe, because the PR nightmare of a silent killer EV is enough to ruin a new model just when it gets introduced. This one’s just baffling.
DNAInfo is known for its right-wing politics and hard-right commentariat. Gothamist is known for its left-wing politics and hard-left commentariat. You should spare people the tone of decent objectivity if you’re saying things that are untrue. DNAInfo is anything but ‘sober’ and ‘straightforward.’
Sure, but don’t expect the dollar to stay where it is when we start stuff like this. Our dollar will sink with their pound, since we’re doing almost the exact same thing as them. America First and Britain First are pretty close.
Trump’s a different brand. In a lot of ways Hillary was closer to your traditional Republican the last election when it came to free trade, foreign intervention, and domestic policy. Not that everybody found that too appealing, but Trump’s a terrible combination of everybody’s worst values.
It’s not really liberals screaming. Liberals are generally shaking their heads, but it’s free trade Republicans (anybody who liked Reagan, really) who are most horrified by this. Some Liberals are relative protectionists (see Sanders with the anti-TPP movement). So this is not really a party issue. It’s almost…
Those have been hollow words compared to his despicable insults towards John McCain, a war hero who he disparaged and never apologized to. Not to mention the Gold Star family of Captain Khan. My friends in the military are no fans of his for those very reasons.
My friends in the military are still unable to get over his despicable treatment and attacks on the honorable John McCain, and I don’t blame them. He has only shown respect when convenient and his never apologized for his horrible remarks about an American war hero.
Way2ride is the one I use (never downloaded Uber, refused to from the start and even more proud now), has always been very effective. Far better than Lyft given that it still means organized labor and the safety regulations of the taxi industry.
It’s a sort of interim solution to an old problem that’s been there since at least the 60s or 70s, I think. The platforms were built on sharp curves in the 1900s, and that was fine when train cars only had two doors, but when newer trains came with middle doors, that left a big gap between the platform. There are only…
Subway cars used to have leather straps for standing passengers to hold (hang) on to. Those people got to be called straphangers. As for why people didn’t get up, seems unclear exactly how the could have helped. I don’t totally understand why nobody pulled him up, but maybe he was too stuck to be lifted.
Not quite. I explained this is another comment which I’ll bring up here: the subway opened in the 1900s with platforms designed for train cars that had a door at either end of the car. Since that time, platforms have been extended and trains now have three and four doors on each car, but there are two stations in the…
The subway opened in the 1900s with platforms designed for train cars that had a door at either end of the car. Since that time, platforms have been extended and trains now have three and four doors on each car, but there are two stations in the system (of 468) that are on a curve that leaves a gap between the middle…
“This was never official.”
I drove in Italy a few weeks ago. It’s hard to express how much better highway driving was. Granted, in cities it’s insanity and there is no understanding of what tailgating is, but the highways consistently moved at 80-90mph and the left lane was left exclusively for passing, including on two-lane highways. Even on…
Hey, my grandfather used to write my father’s name in for lots of elections at every level! Telling you, in this case, I think a write-in for just about anybody is better than Trump. My feeling is, everybody here in NY has seen what he’s like, for a lot more than four years. And it’s been terrible. At his core, he’s…
Gary Johnson’s a far better candidate than Trump.
Unless the goal of the liberal press—which I, a liberal, read, enjoy, and bathe in the righteous anger of—is complete anti-intellectualism and the rejection of any empathetic cultural study, of the hateful magnitude of the right, then pieces like these are pointless and shouldn’t be written. What a willful…
This was a tactless, amateurish takedown of these pieces. The Saunders critique annoys me the most, especially because it’s so empty. Edwards doesn’t seem to understand his point, which makes it even more rich that she attacks his point and refuses to anything to better his point.
Right, I don’t think he’s touched the 250 GTO.