
Having a lot of trouble with the Race Thing, are we?

Sure, the UK imports German cars. But so are 8 out of 10 cars built in the UK exported out of it. And so are the manufacturing plants companies like Nissan have brought to the UK dependent on open trade without tariffs for their export. Neither side will want to shoot itself in the foot, no, but the Germans and

1) The E.U. didn’t ‘break’ the rules, it wrote the rules. It was a give-and-take. Part of allowing immigrants freely between countries meant tariff-free trade and extremely business-friendly policy. It also meant major protections for workers and guaranteed benefits for UK residents traveling in Europe. The E.U. is a

It’s not like the U.S. separating from Britain. I’d argue that’s disrespectful to the founders of our country to even say that. We had real reason to leave. The U.K. did not and will suffer. Even if you put ‘freedom’ above your economy, to what end? If there’s a massive recession/depression, is freedom still more

My understanding is that the EU is going to have extremely little interest letting Britain keep its essential open trade policies if the Brits won’t sign off on open immigration/emigration within the EU, which they probably won’t given half the pitch of the Leave campaign was to halt immigration from the EU. And even

When nativism and prejudice screws with my beloved British car industry, it seems fair to criticize nativism and prejudice on a car site.

The Mariners picked him up when he was 16 or 17, if I recall correctly. I remember thinking this guy was going to be the next big thing and buying myself a some signed rookie cards and autographed balls at the time.

Is it not entirely clear why southern black Dems favor Clinton? Her husband was “America’s First Black President,” as problematic as that phrase was. Name recognition is everything. And as for data, I thought this was common understanding, but this article delves somewhat into the issue.

“GTFOH”? Where do you get off? I’m just trying to understand what could motivate you to think this way. I’m not sure I could think of a less anger-inducing figure than Sanders, for a variety of reasons. I hope the rest of your day is more peaceful.

Nobody has heard of Sanders, for the most part. Nobody votes for him because he was barely known outside of white, liberal Northeast states. He mounted a huge campaign to become known, but he’s not exactly a household name. People vote for the candidate they know, historically. Put simply, I don’t think people vote

That seems like empirically false reasoning for why people vote Clinton over Sanders.

Where does this vitriol even come from? Why do you hate the man? What has he ever done besides fight for progressive issues his entire life? Did he personally offend you? Clinton supporters and Sanders supporters are about fifteen feet away from each other while the whole of the other party is a mile away, and yet the

This is such an inane response that everybody keeps giving. From Charles Blow to the Jezebel commentariat, has nobody learned to retire the ad hominem refutal from debating? Why is the claim that somebody is voting against their interests anything beyond a claim that somebody is voting against their interests? It

Ben beat the rest of those folks on the plate game, though—VEYRON on Mass. plates is pretty damn good tag. I saw his down in Miami this winter, must have been a fun drive down.

Ad hominem does nobody any favors. You can be right, but you become wrong when that becomes the line.

To be fair, the handle’s actually a reference to a character in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest. It is not a self-proclaimed MILF Hunter of which we speak!

Now, now, don’t be an asshole! I grinned like a kid the whole time. I probably would have cracked a smile with Bush, too.

You should give the Autobiography of Malcolm X a read. The issue with the remark he made to that white student—who, if I remember the retelling correctly, broke down in tears—is not that it was harsh and made her uncomfortable, but that it was wrong. He realized this, and he addressed this. It’s not that he made a

The ‘appropriation’ claim is an unspeakably stupid point and general misunderstanding of an overused word. You’re right to question it.

That shot of Gay on his knees while the penalty gets declared is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. And the straight commentary: “continues the somewhat...ridiculous celebration of the touchdown.”