
It's not really devil's advocate, as that would be a viable counterpoint based in some other moral code. There's only the moral side of things and the profit side of things here, and GM put their customers at risk cause they chose the profit side.

The fact that you just centered an entire argument around the assumption that pedestrians are at fault for being hit by cars is completely ludicrous. I live in New York City, and I'm a pedestrian and a driver. I've seen the way taxicabs drive in this place. They have no respect for anybody on the road or on the

We're against pedestrian impact regulations? Fuck out of here...those are completely important, and anybody who doesn't think they are should nominate themselves to test such impacts.

What happened to the mellow Hawaiian stereotype? I'm a New Yorker, so this sounded normal. I don't expect that out of Hawaii, though.

Firstly, read weaponz's comment. Secondly, he's the governor. When there is a kink in sales regulations, it's his responsibility to work with the legislature to fix it.

Did you want him to blow it out? There's not a lot to be done, and it looked like going back inside was to kill the fuel line or do something.

Sometimes they just write themselves...

You must be fun at parties.

I think Terry's a sleazebag. And Woody's a creep, even if I like his movies.

He'll probably end up doing it if he advocates driving like this all the time...

Target practice with a dummy you brought yourself in the middle of a public square and shooting perfectly every time doesn't hurt anybody and is within the limits of the shooter and his ability, but that shouldn't exactly be encouraged either...

Just cause the cops do it doesn't mean that it's right. Our cops act horribly all the time. Talk to the parents of the late Sean Bell, or the late Ramarley Graham, for example. It's disgusting enough that the animals in blue have shot and killed innocent people; I don't want the public doing that either...

Jesus did you miss his point...

Thank you, Mr. Christ.

On point GIF use.

Pssh, I think the traffic cops are the best ones. Not as power-crazed as their counterparts in the division.


Don't bastardize Orwell for a ridiculous article.

What a despicable article by a horrible human being.

"What do you drive?" "Porsh Cayenne."