Indicative of American mispronunciation, I didn't even know that there was an accent aigu on that e in the car's actual name!
Indicative of American mispronunciation, I didn't even know that there was an accent aigu on that e in the car's actual name!
The worst, by far, are Porsche owners who can't say the damn thing right.
"Encouraging competence" is a stupid concept. You're never going to stop every drunk driver, every drugged driver, or every tired driver by 'encouraging competence.' Best make the roads a little safer when there's incompetence...
Probably that the phonetic "la-sahn-ia" could be spelled lasagne at an Italian restaurant, or written LaSonia following a stereotype about African-American names. Tasteless joke, not blatant racism.
Uh, no. If you take up two lanes on the highway in a car that could easily fit in one just because your car is bigger than mine, I'd be flashing my brights at you too. Let's not try to encourage this 'bigger gets right of way' policy.
This guy sounded like a bitter middle-aged Bostonian, not exactly a hipster.
Or nothing at all..."no criminality suspected."
First of all, that's just a dumb policy to have, that public roads are a 'privilege' you have to pay for. Secondly, every cyclist pays the same taxes to the government that you do, many of which pay for the roads and highways across the country. Just because you're paying money for insurance doesn't mean that you get…
What a thoroughly pointless and idiotic article meant for no other reason than to incite some sort of bullshit generation-gap war.
This is how I feel about the first-generation Murcielago. Sharp creases aplenty, but they make sense, and stylistically it all just works.
Really is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Tesla PR here. Regardless of whether or not their product caused the fire, this either plays in the news as "Tesla fires continue" or it plays as "Tesla gets defensive, says fire was not their fault." Neither look good.
That's not how this works. I could shoot everybody who knocks on my door and then apologize later that I could only tell they were unarmed in hindsight. You do not assume somebody is armed, especially when they pose no threat to you, especially when you are a trained law enforcement officer, and especially when you…
This is a terrible train of logic for you to be embarking on, and I think you know it. Your only argument that he may have been armed is that you can't tell if he wasn't armed? That's a ridiculous line of reasoning. Terms like 'perceived legitimate threat' are also hilariously vague in situations like this — I think…
That's bullshit. You don't have "every right to shoot" when you're unsure if somebody is or is not armed. You have a right to shoot when you are in danger (often due to an armed suspect), not due to a guy waddling around. And don't give me the argument of 'he was a criminal, he could have done xyz' — people who walk…
You run from police, you get shot or arrested.
I tend to believe that, but in situations like this I simply can't understand what was running through these officers' heads. I could understand tasers drawn, guns drawn...but to open fire? Multiple shots, basically in the back? I hold very little sympathy for these fact, none, unless any of them step…
Remember, anything that helps people besides yourself is socialism.
You think right.
Thank you. This is not a partisan issue, and it's driving me nuts that people are treating it like it is. Whether you're part of the NRA or you think guns are the devil's work does not matter here: if you're an American, you believe in due process of law, and this was a clear violation of that. Cops are not juries,…