
Bullshit. They had guns drawn. If he made any movement that looked like he going for a weapon, you know they would have shot him on the spot. They could have tasered him the minute he got out of the car, too. He posed no risk to those cops when he got out of the car and they shot him to death in the fucking back. If

Go away.

Ah, got it. Assumed that the Accord was merely something on top of the others. So you've got it figured out pretty well! And yeah, I wouldn't call that too shabby. You may have said already, but whereabouts in Brooklyn are you?

Your next New York decision might be taking the subway! ;) I'm a lifelong gearhead and NYC resident, manual-committed, speed-obsessed—but I've never owned a car in the city and I doubt I ever will. Sorry to hear your introduction was so costly, but losing all of your money in day-to-day life is another part of living

This didn't look like an extreme swerve to you? I agree that reactions should be smooth, but I don't think this was an example of one. I think he reacted late and quickly swerved, and that's why he was lucky this didn't go worse than it did.

I just have to say, those are some mighty terrible reaction times. No evidence of braking or any attempt to avoid the trailer clearly moving into his lane until he's a couple feet behind, and then it's just luck that the snowed over median didn't send him even more sideways than it did.

What exactly is the hate here? An independent American company is making a new product with some pretty innovative styling and curious technology, and every comment is negative just because 'hipster' was in the title?

That was the joke I was making with "Am I doing it wrong?" But I agree, the early Bertone styling trials paled in comparison to the Miura.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it should have been built, but nothing touches the original for me. The original may still be the most beautiful car of all time. I saw an orange S at an event a couple years ago, never recovered.

Am I doing it wrong?

"Low ball" is a pretty crazy way to put it. Cano is and always has been an excellent player, but he's not a $24 million-at-41-years-old kind of excellent player. The Yankees knew this, and I think basically everybody knew this. Honestly, I think the Mariners were just trying to drive up the amount the Yankees would

Go away.

Let's play another game.

No, no, I think River Cuomo would like a word:

"Smart" is an overstatement. It was in the Daily News, after all, only the second worst lying rag in the city to the NY Post.


Wow. The stupidity in this one hurt. Good use of completely-the-wrong-state to help your point, though.

Just cause I'm a nerd about these things: conductor = takes your ticket / sits in the middle of the subway and makes announcements, closes the doors; the "driver" is the train operator at the front, that's the person in control.

Yes, they do.

Go away.