From the mirror it's definitely a ute, maybe an HSV of some variety?
From the mirror it's definitely a ute, maybe an HSV of some variety?
What? No. Fisker lost millions of dollars of cars at the Newark port when they were washed away by Hurricane Sandy, and the insurance company refused to cover damages.
Still think that the insurance company is to blame for basically murdering Fisker during Hurricane Sandy. It's testament to what sleaze those companies are that they didn't do the one thing they are required to do when Fisker needed it most.
Same exact thoughts that came into my head, in that order haha. The Aussie obsession with muscle is a beautiful thing.
On the upside, if the Portero de los Funes Circuit killed you, it'd be a short trip to heaven.
Exactly. General PR lesson is that when you deny a story, the headline always includes the thing you're denying. "CSPhotography Vehemently Denies Rumors of Public Urination on Town Statue" puts my name two words away from the thing I'm trying to avoid.
The only thing better than car porn is vintage car porn. Somebody get me the Diablo or the '40. Also, whoever had the batshit idea of the Venturi is owed a beer or two.
What a complete non-news story. The amount that people want electric cars to fail is ridiculous; this hatred hasn't existed since anti-internal combustion scare stories in the switch from horses!
If you do stand-up, no. Then you should send him a check, cause he's a gift to comedians everywhere.
I don't even want to argue this because I think I'd end up being drawn and quartered, but I do think we would be looking at a different situation if either a) the bikers were "good ol' boy" white bikers as opposed to this group of mainly blacks and hispanics, or b) the SUV driver were a black man.
Somebody else already used this flawed analogy. In that example, both individuals are breaking and entering. Not so here; Mieses didn't commit any crime, while other individuals did.
If I were arguing here just to get a response, I'd be a troll. But I actually believe this. I could get more radical on this story and bring up the racial element too, but I'll spare you that lest we have a nuclear meltdown on the site.
For the six thousandth time, you need PROOF.
Probably. But my point is that some blame still lies on the RR driver, and everybody ignores that just because blind emotion gets in the way with this story.
I think his running away was justified, but his running people over was not justified. It's not that hard to steer a car, and he just panicked and floored it without steering away from people. You can't legally say that's acceptable, or every confused octogenarian hearing a horn and mistaking gas for brake would be…
Honored by the picture—who's doing mob mentality now, huh? ;D Hey, I've been a Jalop for the past six years and I've never gotten into a debate (read: brawl) as big as this one, pretty entertaining. Not sure where you think I've lost though. ;)
True. Lien was both morally in the wrong and doing something illegal (at least until the burden of proof can be established that Mieses had intentions to attack him).
I might have done the same thing, true. Doesn't mean that it's right. I get angry as hell when my family is put in danger, but there is a line between what I think is appropriate in the heat of the moment and what I know is legally and morally appropriate. We can't act like Lien's actions were acceptable just it was…
Ah, so you are indeed making no case whatsoever! Your point is that there is no point, and that's just 'how it is' when it comes to a jury. Great.
I might act just as badly; doesn't mean that it's right, and doesn't that mean that I shouldn't be arrested either. There has to be a sense of law in these situations where emotions get the better of us, and fear only goes so far.