finally an answer to the eternal hockey question of whether a good center makes his wings great, or vice versa

I mean, I’d never really considered it. What if I really am just a belly-itcher?”

Yeah they only torture Canadians

As someone who has coached a shitty college team, I can confirm that yes, I had that exact thought process more than once while mired in that shitty, shitty season. It was rarely about clocking out at 5:00, though. Mostly, it manifested in my unwillingness to work the truly insane hours that you’re often expected to.

To be fair, the river did stare at that home run for a really long time.

Orioles, first major league team to extend protective netting onto the playing field.

Autoweek’s Murilee Martin

I am sure he had a detailed game plan mapped out showing exactly how his breakfast would go, but when it came to the moment of truth, he simply couldn’t execute it.

Heaven is always your own perception of paradise. For Mike Ilitch, I can only assume it is a discounted pizza topped with muenster cheese. #TakesAllKinds

Debilitating disease can’t stop Dan Patrick, it can only hope to contain him.

All I know is I didn’t get payed anything and I WAS THE FIREMAN.

Where’s *my* check?

Well yeah, but this is a serious subject that is just not addressed enough on this website. I remember one time coming out to find this in my driveway.

There’s another video taken from a clear angle. See the channels hype_garage and pl4yerone on Instagram.

That looks like it was owned by a bloke named “Ron” who makes excellent window boxes for flats. 

Absolutely. Look at this guy! This is a guy who loves his DUB-CATS.

welcome back

Re: taco presidents, LBJ is from Texas and served as a legislator here before becoming Vice President and then President. It seems unlikely he didn’t eat a taco on the campaign trail at some point. But going even further back, Teddy Roosevelt’s claim to fame before politics was his exploits in the Spanish-American

As Shakespeare himself once wrote, “Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds.”