What, no pics of hotties in front of beat up old B5 Passats?

Who needs an Elf on the Shelf when you’ve got a floof on the roof?

Morans have been the bane of the Cardinals for years now.

pictured: Her brother Max

It’s not on fire.

Thank god they didn’t want to play a game of Global Thermonuclear War.

Head coach for a bad team for one day only? That is slavish devotion to the Bill Belichick playbook.

Turnabout’s fair play, space creatures!

what did knees ever do to you?

He was making a classic Italian chickencello.

Instead of this:

They only recently legalized Google without an attendant in my area.... I don’t know how to do it and I don’t want to spend the rest of the day smelling like internet.

Former troop here, and can I just be the first to say:

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

Hmm... Schwarber over Baez?

Spy shot of the development mule.