I lol’d at “tinted water.”
I lol’d at “tinted water.”
Here in Italy, we do not need cupholders. We like our espresso coffee in the little ceramic cup and we drink it at the bar, straight from a nice coffee machine. Nobody here likes to carry in his car the take-away pint of tinted water that you call coffee . When we drive, we usually do not drink and the only thing I…
A 1957 Ferrari with racing history deeper than its new owner’s pockets initially took the title for most expensive…
I can’t hate the Panamera. The S-Class looks like the C-Class. The A8 looks like the A4. Good for them. It’s unique.
The BBC firing Clarkson, Hammond, and May and doing away with the Top Gear that we all know and love.
Golf R sends 99% of the power to the front wheels
I respect your right to hold this opinion. I also volunteer to accept your free Fiesta ST.
In a “Manuel” is there a man named Manuel living in the gearbox changing the gears for you.
You are correct, but being a car enthusiast (rather than, say, a Mustang enthusiast) does mean that you don’t just write-off an entire segment of cars because of their drive layout
Obvious troll is obvious.
Enjoy your Chevy, the rest of us will drive cars that people actually want.
You know, I used to be that guy. But after a year with my car and so much hate directed at its owners, I’m now just a jaded, angry guy. I’m not rich. I worked hard, saved up, and now drive a car I’ve wanted since the 8th grade. Its 100% on me, but the hate I read has dulled my ownership experience, albeit slightly.…
Life is way too short to worry about what other people will think of you based solely on what you drive.
Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.