
Wouldn't game erasing bugs be a part of the "unlimited possibilities" promised?

He crashed faster than Windows ME.

Now playing

This is the chess game I grew up with as a child. I would only play it for the animations—I think right around 3:00 is the first one.

There are occasionally drives to raise awareness of American Football in the UK but enthusiasm usually fades quickly.

Needs more screw drive... that would be terrifying

The redneck Mars Rover...

God, I miss that show...

Why is Darth Vader wearing an iron diaper???

And then in 2015, Craig Charles and his legion of drone robots retook Moscow; and the world was cast under the long shadow of the Robot Wars . . . .

Any book should be honored to be "defaced" this way.

or try to act friendly and they just end up shooting you no matter what.


That's an important point, but unfortunately, negativity tends to resonate. When you read a thousand comments on your work and 999 of them are positive, it's the last one that gets stuck in your brain.

If it's any consolation, raving fanboys filled with hatred is not the norm among gamers. Rather, these dissatisfied people are simply the most vocal. It's a sad but true fact that contended people rarely leave their feedback on a service they've enjoyed, while the malcontents will go on and on and on.

They were probably referring to consoles only. No one needs to be told that PCs can handle anything.

This is a picture of one of the earlier Dutch post-war traffic jams. Back then, a traffic jam was quite a novel thing, so there are a lot of onlookers ogling this new modern phenomenon. This also means that there are a lot of pictures of this traffic jam.

Stuff cocks WHERE??

"cat gonna survive too". Brilliant