
“It completely shocked me when I heard,” said Fallon. “It came as a complete surprise to me.”

My current problem is that is seems like the “kill the sentinels fast enough to prevent them from calling backup” mechanic is either broken, or was removed and they didn’t change the tutorial text. Every time I encounter angry sentinels, no matter how quickly I kill them the next wanted level procs. The only way to

I find it amusing that if I take my mining laser to a tiny rock for two ferrite dust I have their full attention, but if I use my terrain manipulator to scoop out hauls of copper from the ground, leaving open chasms in my wake, they couldn’t care less.

It actually kinda confirms a lot of theories about socialist structures.

This was my thinking, basically Daggerfall 2? I mean, that’s fine, but I think a lot of us (especially the Morrowind-stans) would like them to embrace the more exotic lands of Tamriel, Valenwood, Summerset Isles, Elswyer, those kinds of places. One of Oblivion’s (many) problems was that it was generic European high

Seriously. I can’t fathom why the hell anyone would EVER want one of these. Trading your privacy so you don’t have to stand up to turn on the lights or change the temperature? How often are people changing the thermostat anyway? It’s shocking that people have been apparently been convinced they need these devices.

Zuck was once offered 3 billion dollar to sell Facebook and turned it down. That is a level of crazy that is not a force for anything good.

Yea, I don’t care as much about everyone being in financial ruin as much as the entire planet continuously running out of resources faster than they are being replenished. If we could ramp up and maintain our negative growth rate as human across the world for 50 years or so that would be fine by me.

Isn’t less humans a good thing?

It’s very hard to make that argument when you have PUBG and Fortnite in the paragraph.

You should get it used and not buy any microtransactions. That way you aren’t supporting EA and their shitty business practices, but you still get to play a very fun Star Wars experience.

“their is fan art”

FACT: This is perfect.

The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?

I think map makers in games are underrated in general. Look at the World of Warcraft map. All that topology has to be translated from the in game environment into the map that they put in game. That’s a nice level of coordination between multiple teams to get it working.

Aww, coming back from a 2-0 was one of the best parts of Overwatch. The matches could take a while, but I never found it frustrating.

And somehow getting fans to cheer for it!

It’s dumb, but anything is better than Sony paying Bungie to literally withhold Destiny content from Xbox and PC players and then calling it exclusive.

I hope we all see the irony in someone winning a “For Honor” competition in a strikingly dishonorable fashion. Not just the exploit but that after winning he shot off a “wow this was so easy, I didn’t even practice,” line. Honestly I’m half inclined to think it was intentional.