
I concur! Same for me, I check this website very regularly, really like the moneysaver posts. Keep up the good work.

The turles made me think of the Shellrazer game:

Was thinking the same :)

I'm currently looping some concept artists work from your FineArt section. Most fond of big landscapes.

Just completed Darksiders 2. What do you think of Uriel:

I hope to see a nice survival game, beaty in artstyle. With influences like Fable (looks a bit similar) Looks nice. I'll keep my eye on it.

Rest iPeace..

Very true.

That is what I was about to say :) thanks.

Put some orange light here, and you have new Battlefield box art!

Do I see a Gengar in that mad monster picture? :)

Stop buying it then.

Hydrophobia 2.0. Looks neat, bring in the games!

Ah the last guardian is coming.

Last picture: final boss.

I hope it is good. I don't want to compare it too much with black and white, otherwise I'll keep telling me: "oh this is not like b&w etc. " not being focused on enjoying the game, but regretting there is no new version coming anytime soon.. I like the art and the style.

That was the first thing I thought off, when I first saw the video last week, posted here. It looks like a big commercial. Not that it is unique, loads of other clips have product placement. The double A must be a set up, it is too well shown on several shots of the video.

That is impressive. What a load of work that must have been.

This looks nice, I wonder what mechanics are being used. I hear birds of prey, would we need to run from them, or does the badger wield a sword and shield, or summons a mighty dragon to fight for him? Never mind I know it is just an announcement, so I will just wait.

Godmode activate! I have no idea...