If you want characters with conspicuous, prominent hoods, there’s always Assassin’s Creed...
Looks cheesy
He was also the art and animation director for the Venture Brothers, and Storyboardist for Adventure Time.
Not sure what inspired it, but I do know Turner Broadcasting (which owns Cartoon Network) own the rights to Captain Planet (Ted Turner was one of the creators).
You mentioned the “J” word on Kotaku...you’re going to get an email. I find this site has become digestible in only small, “Hey-look-at-this-new-collectible/trailer/comic” bites. Any attempts at journalistic integrity, or basic reporting have loooooong since abandoned the halls of Kotaku. Their mantra now seems to be,…
Exactly, he sound too biased by personal likes more than a real critic point of view, sound more like a non-fan hating without give a real argument than a honest critic.
Nobody fucking wants video in place of stories. There’s a time and a place for video. It’s at home, when I don’t plan on going out or doing anything.
Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.
Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.
If you use the Konami code on Fandango for this movie, you will get 30 free tickets.
Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.
Hey, hey, Listen...come sit beside me by the water’s edge.
RIGHT?! One female per world, one female active character per game??? Like its actively AIMED towards male players but the ‘shipping’ and overall essence of KH is fujo drenched-look its hella gay. I’m fine with saying that.
Now that I’m thinking about it, there’s only one female world partner per game too, Ariel and then Mulan. Huh. I didn’t even really notice this and I JUST finished KH2 again last night (on PS4, finally!) We definitely need more female world partners in 3, Elsa, Rapunzel, I’d vote for Honey Lemon for Big Hero 6 but I…
Kingdom Hearts favours the Bromance? No shit??? W-what is this post 2006?
Nice to see them still updating the game even with the fustercluck going on with the studios.
Now how about releasing the damn content expansion and bring in the lost ark with the Quarians, Drell, and the rest of them! Or perhaps some more multiplayer classes? Or even a reason to keep playing multiplayer after maxing…
“Hey. Hey Courier. There’s a settlement that needs your help, come over here and I’ll mark it on your map. We all float down here Courier, and soon you’ll float down here too!.”
I swear I’ve seen half of these pictures in Dinotopia.