
Yes, but did he go so far as to contract tuberculosis?

Oh, the new Gunbreaker job class has led to a lot of people dressing up as Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, standing around and trying to look cool with their fancy gunblades. That’s bad, right?

That instrument is broken out only for performances of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3-some.

Ok, Angel is one of my favorite shows so, fuck it, corrections:

Crediting the artist is so stupid. It isn't hard to Google the image if you desperately want to know who the artist is (why would you even care?) it's not like he is selling the darn thing, grow up and get over it people. 

Next episode-


God has turned their backs on us.

You evidently haven’t read some of the ridiculous articles from Vox Media, among others. “The Media” has done plenty, and it’s really just sensationalist and embarrassingly clickbait reporting. 

I defy you to come up with any legitimate examples of him “flirting with the White Supremacists” or “Neo-nazi’s” with any kind of context. The fact of the matter is, there is none. Anyone who actually watches his videos can tell you he never has actually done anything remotely racist with any kind of racist intent.


That’s the problem for me. I can do GM2 pretty easily, but GM3 I get killed too easily. So I just hang at GM2 and fly though HoR at GM1. 

Another character with a counter or some kind. C’mon, now.

I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s

Jason, just from my corner of the back woods. Don’t.
1. As this article (Excellent beyond belief, BTW) has been showing you from responses, BioWare and EA are not the only ones with this issue. What you have shown us is almost a SSDD-type scenario, as people say “this could be my company.” Unless you intend on being a

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

More like Angelique Gerber, amirite? Get it? Because she’s such a baby... you don’t get it, it’s funny.

If I ever have kids, I’m naming them Absolute Genius and Cool Dadio.

Respecing is a sin. Games shouldn’t have a “correct” way to build... that defeats the purpose of giving the player the decision in the first place. If we’re all just going to go online and research the perfect builds, then there’s really no reason to give us any other choices.

He’s an old single rich guy who wanted sexual release, not sure what there is to be apologetic about, aside from the fact he got caught.  The story about the women and the owner of that place is an entirely different matter.