Are you subtly trying to imply you want another SOCOM game or am I the only person who remembers when that series was briefly a thing on PlayStation?
Are you subtly trying to imply you want another SOCOM game or am I the only person who remembers when that series was briefly a thing on PlayStation?
Adding yet another layer of corporate bureaucracy to the mix. Because that’s always makes things better.
These things need to stop spreading on social media, cases like this should be left in the court where the real professionals are. Not to the people on Twitter.
I don't know why this feels like the best piece of news today but I'm living for it. Good on them PS3 MGS players.
And aesthetically, it was both not at all Halo-esque and not at all pleasing to hear.
It’s certainly not ugly by any stretch of the imagination; very pretty, semi-minimalist art direction. I think people are seeing the minimalism as “bAd GrAfFiX” but I think they’re nailing the look of Halo: CE in a really cool way.
If you told me that footage was from an xbox 360 halo game I would have believed you, and then yawned.
It’s certainly nostalgic to see something that’s SO eerily similar to Halo:CE, and I think that’s cool, but man... That gameplay doesn’t even look half as fun as Destiny, or Titanfall 2, or Doom. If they’re trying to get back to a more simple, nuts and bolts combat system, I appreciate the gesture, and I hope I’m…
God damnit, now I gotta wait over an entire DAY before I can review bomb something because I hate trans people? What about my first amendment rights?!
In reality it’s an excellent story with excellent storytelling in a medium where the stories are often stupid. 90% of the people hating on the story are doing so for misogynistic, homophobic, or transphobic reasons. If they were upset by the story, Kojima would be getting death threats for some of his work.
I consider it a hidden gem. It’s actually a really, REALLY good game. The characters are all enjoyable, the story is designed to keep you guessing with interesting plot twists that you won’t see coming with a good balance that won’t frustrate you. The combat is pretty flawless and has a system kind of remnant of how…
He’ll just think Amazon River and start rallying against South America or what he knows as “Big Mexico”
But now you can do both!
The coronavirus.
Is there anything original created in China that we can rip off to return the favor and offend them?
The part I don’t believe is the assets thing and that there will be no “baking”. The kinds of polycount and texture size numbers he’s talking about here would fill your entire hard drive with one game if they were actually delivered that way.
This rules.
Sounds like you won’t let your FOMO support the people who busted their asses on this game, either.