
This is the kind of fantastic information that I hope to see when I read any article. <3

Fan or not, my point was that I can send you multiple instances of him condemning Flat Earthers having done just seconds of searching, but can’t find a single instance of him supporting them in all of the internet.. because it doesn’t exist.
If you’re going to bring up the anti-semitic websites/people that try to make

I can reference videos of him condemning Flat Earthers, without much effort. I just don’t believe this ever happened, honestly.

No disrespect meant, but I simply cannot agree with this. Destiny was a shell of a game when it released (I played from the start to after the Taken King, as well as vanilla Destiny 2). There was no coherent narrative, loot was miraculously broken, gun customization (as well as nearly all weapon types) were useless,

Please link this, because I can’t find a single thing. 

It sounded to me like he was mostly referencing the algorithm that controls what is “trending”, which is totally nonsensical and broken.

I couldn’t agree more. I try to get on here and read through articles at least once a week, and my feelings while ingesting all of it always tend to be the same, that so much of this is simply unchecked, sensational racism.
The large majority of the readers also do nothing to stem the tide, just sitting here gobbling

I personally think they are engineering a controversy where there is none.

You are far, far off base.

You do need first hand experience if you don’t want your opinion to be ignorant, or to be viewed as ignorant by anyone who actually researches or thinks before they speak.
At least your claim has gone from him being a legitimate racist person, to him being a comedian who has used racist humor. You’re way more on

You may not be racist...
Honestly, though, do you commonly throw out judgement like this without any first hand experience with that/those you are judging? Do you grasp how awful that makes you? 

It’s refreshing to see internet folk be so honest about their lack of insight on a topic, whilst spreading condemnation. 

You, nor anyone else who has replied to your comment, have watched any of his content for a very, very long time. 

It’s so damn nice to be able to say “Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” and for it to be this incredible. 

Does it make you sick, even a little bit, that you omitted that it was a sexual assault in the title to make him appear as unapologetic as possible? As a woman, are you at all disgusted with yourself?
Actually, forget it, just fuck you and your pathetic profession.

which makes it sound like he thinks it’s good when people expose harassment and abuse, but only if it passes some arbitrary measure of “Harvey Weinstein-ness.”

Besides initial sales, I don’t feel like Destiny did that. It was widely heralded as total shit for well over it’s first year, introduced nothing to the genre (and took commonly known aspects away), and I feel as though a large portion of it’s player base (including myself) had abandoned the game entirely until the

Thank you.
Every time I see someone reference Destiny as if it were the start of absolutely anything, it raises the temperature of my blood ever so slightly. 

How in the fuck is asking for consent first a “technicality”? Legitimate question: what is wrong with you?

I do want to add that being able to manipulate matter, living or otherwise, is a pretty top tier ability in any work of fiction. Being able to transform link into a totally different creature with a snap of the imps fingers, or creating life where there isn’t any (the moon), is a big deal.
If anything, they blew it in