I’m just curious what placebo they used to test this...
My girl Tifa’s name isn’t spoken in the entire article. Aerith died, Jason.. and she’s never coming back. It’s time to accept the childhood friends ended up together. <3
Definitely my favorite episode. Moffat is such a good writer when he only comes in here and there, dropping gems like “Blink” & “Silence in the Library”. It’s only when he became the showrunner where it started going south.
I don’t understand why Anthem is being constantly compared to Destiny. The only obvious comparison would be the same comparison Destiny has to 100 games before it where you shoot aliens (sometimes as a team). I wouldn’t mind so much but I think comparing a game to Destiny actually does it a massive disservice,…
Shrinkage is and always will be a real thing.
I’m so glad to see Rebecca is still around, she’s always been my favorite. Girl has been through some shit.
There’s a strong possibility I will never get a chance to see this adaptation, but I can say with certainty that the book is among the very best ever written and I’m so happy Neil Gaiman is getting a ton of attention from all audiences lately. He is unbelievably talented and deserves the highest of accolades for his…
I’m glad Felix did his video on her; I checked her channel and was unable to stop watching. Over the past few months her channel has become easily my favorite.
He flipped to page 41 of the instruction manual and was only halfway through. Where have my beautiful manuals gone?
Hey, sometimes it takes a dude 699 chapters to notice what’s right in front of him. From what I’ve read she wasn’t exactly forthcoming about her feelings either, until very close to the end. Even then it wasn’t even her choice to tell him she was in love with him. He was just so focused on everything else happening…
Sasuke being loved by even one human being is random. I never finished the Manga (stopped sometime after Pain), but up to that point I was adamant in him being the worst character ever written, ever.
I couldn’t really see Sakura and Naruto, she was never really into him while Hinata based her existence on his example…
Not sure about everyone else, but Naruto and Hinata being a couple and starting a family is about as far from random as you can get.
This would be way more exciting if Lapras didn’t get nerfed into oblivion for no reason.
The entire video needs one giant “Deal with it.” caption.
Damn it, do I love articles like this. I’m a 30 year old male who doesn’t partake in face masks generally (few times when a past girlfriend got a kick out of it) but this makes me want to, even with the smell in mind.
Greatest of All Time.. maybe. That’s my guess without Googling.
His point is that the faith itself does not “live and let live” in far too many cases, and almost never did they respect a cultures beliefs at the time good ‘ol Patrick was alive. Spreading his ridiculous religion and replacing those that are far less destructive is, in fact, a bad thing.
I haven’t played for a long time, but did they nerf him at some point so that shooting people in the *not even close to their body* no longer counts as a headshot? It was impossible to be bad at Hanzo when the game came out..