Thank you.
You have actually reminded me of one mission worth remembering. Although I do remember it also being frustratingly/stupidly difficult to stay alive if you decide to fight it out.
Thank you.
You have actually reminded me of one mission worth remembering. Although I do remember it also being frustratingly/stupidly difficult to stay alive if you decide to fight it out.
It’s saving grace is that the game was doing something that felt “different”, all the while. I don’t remember the traveling feelings especially tedious (maybe because it was a very beautiful game), but at the time I’m sure I thought it was.
For me, GTA4 was just.. boring. It was the first game in the series I ever started from the beginning and actually tried to “play”. The characters are boring, the story is boring.. and even the city (somehow, I don’t even know) was boring.
I remember feeling so forced to try to finish it, which I absolutely did not.…
I’m sorry, Emily simply cannot be made more beautiful.
While all of this is wonderful information, my primary take away is how epic a beard Link could have from the screen of the video pasted above.
Goddamn it this made me smile.
You’ve just provided me with my “Look into further when I get home” sticky note of the day. =D
I’ve seen some rhetorical questions in my day..
All he wants is pants.
A decent.. pair.. of pants.
First thing I thought when I turned this on: “Am I watching Pushing Daisies AKA probably the best show ever?”
I’m so glad Sonnenfeld continues to bring his art to new projects.
Gravity Rush is probably my favorite use of a new idea in video games, ever. What people like to call flaws to me are just in the making of a handheld game; but it’s absolutely excellent. I can’t remember the last time I’ve looked forward to a sequel (game) this much. I’m waiting for you, Kat.
I just barely started playing this, but the CA pride is overwhelming. =D
Don’t forget the laundry.
The blindness legitimately took me by surprise and it being incurable was a little hard for me to swallow. I mean.. death is more or less curable in this world.. no big deal, though.
I’m telling you, Bombs are the worst (assuming you’re talking about them when you run up the hill toward Hammerhead ((I almost never use magic)).
To date though, the only Game Over I’ve gotten is from crashing the goddamn flying car.
One thing that I’ve read that does make some sense, in regard to subscribed channels not showing on the front page, is that Youtube is trying to diversify what their viewers are exposed to. They want their regular viewers to subscribe to different channels which would ultimately result in more views overall.…
This sounds so nice...
I was dramatically over-leveled when I fought her and it only lasted about 6 seconds. I feel like I really missed something here. = (
I feel like this should have been more of a surprise. lol
I have a nice little page lying around somewhere pretty well covered in notes. It took me longer than I would have liked to solve this.. and by the time I did I was going off of maybe 3 absolutes rather than 4.. so a tiny amount of guess and check was involved.