
That being 2nd to last renders just about the whole list invalid. It might be the most important episode of season 1 and is when you start to kick off the real shocking deaths.

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.

I don’t understand what’s mind blowing about a play that isn’t legit. If he kept his body in-bounds and then made that play, I agree, that’s mind-blowing/badass. But when you spot him a step out of bounds, that makes it a little less impressive.

I know that the 4 point play was huge, but what about the 2 on 1, with just under 2 minutes to play, that ended up with the botched alley oop? Instead of a 6 point lead, it stayed at 4 and duke nailed a 3 about 20 seconds later.

This is the pinnacle of my career...

I would note that there is a huge difference between the career arcs of Duncan and LeBron. The biggest thing being that Duncan spent his career in a Spurs uniform. He had built up a career’s worth of goodwill with the fans that he could become whatever that team needed and the fans would accept him (this doesn’t even

Something bad happen to Tottenham? That’s gonna send Billy to a keyboard.

Nobody from St Louis is a Rams fan anymore.

He never clearly catches the ball or dribbles, it looks like a fumble to me, and unless I am mistaken, Fumble-dribble is ok.

Maybe it’s just me and lack of understanding the rules, but that looks like a fumble and recovery to me. Once he gets it back then he starts his dribble. Hield demonstrates no control of the ball to me until he gets it back (0:12 into your slow mo), so to me, that’s not a dribble.

You know how I know you jumped straight to the comment section after reading the headline?

Like the land, just another thing they are stealing.

Here is the biggest issue I see - they are spinning this BS narrative about him and can use it to justify throwing him under the bus. Do they want him? Yes. But with this narrative floating, they can pay him under market value or worse, flat blackball him and keep him out of the league.

That was sort of my take on yesterday. Spurs dominated the game, despite losing. De Gea saved ManU from a pretty disastrous defense. Granted, the 1-0 score might have made the game play out the way it did, but it’s hard to give a hat tip to ManU for that game.

NBC Olympic commentators watch this video and wonder why these commentators are so quiet. 

It’s been pointed out by people reviewing these pictures, the two shots are not from the same time. The ball is a touch further in the Chelsea provided shot than the game shot. It makes a difference.

The main thing about this though is that fans will pretty much believe what is out there. Did Spurs fans only see one side of this? Pretty much, but that is because Kawhi choose to not to engage this.