
I think we figure out Lance’s Deadspin handle.

Counter-point: Lance Armstrong was an asshole that jealously defended his lying position through coercion, manipulation, lies and lawsuits. In the process of everything he did he destroyed lives and careers.

It would have been a gross injustice if Armstrong was financially ruined by the lawsuit

I read this line and could only think of a modified phrase of Tom Ley last week:

Now playing

We should celebrate the league winning goal.

It’s too bad the clip cuts out when it does. This play resulted in a crazy handball that resulted in a penalty and red card that tied the game.

Now playing

That was less contact than happened in a bullshit goal against the Blues earlier this year that wasn’t called for interference on review:

I hope that Madrid loses somewhere in this tournament and doesn’t win it all. But they look like they are hitting their stride right now, they look like they are going to be tough to beat.

Oh Hannah, you’re dead to me.

You’re drunk.

Wont someone think of the two year old fans that haven’t seen UConn win the title?

You misspelled awesome.

I can’t speak on Allen, but earlier this year when Baker Mayfield did THIS at the OU-Kansas game:

I think some hotels have caught on to this trip. My last trip to England (just outside London), the hotel required the room key for the lights. The any card trick didn’t work. So while this MOSTLY works, it does have limits.
I am going to do the +1 room key trick from now on.

Is he looking at San Antonio as his final resting place?

Anyone that argued ratings and seats is dumb. Tickets and ad buys were sold months ago. And if they mattered, why not put these guys on at a better team. Clearly that didn’t work out.

Technically it was 18-13 (after a 14-2 start, they went 4-11). This loss was #14.

That worked out, huh? His first (and only game) at a terrible rating time.

What a waste of a bid. These guys didn’t deserve to be anywhere near the NCAAs.

Seriously? He shot too many shots from way beyond his range and in many ways hurt his team’s chances.