
Yeah.... No. Demon Souls, DS 1, BB, and DS3 were all directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki. DS 2 was not. And I still enjoyed it. And actually the DLC for DS2 had some stuff as good as anything in DS1. There. I said it.

I would buy it if it was another Bloodborne DLC and costed $60. But I’m obsessed.

·Not saying you are “wrong” but it’s hard for me to fathom any person who enjoys Dark Souls NOT enjoying Bloodborne. In my younger days I would have said you had no taste, but I’m a father now. Philistine.

Wow. How emotionally stunted and immature do you have to be to even get in the position #1 is in? You’re not 14. You should never propose marriage to someone you’re not in love with, period. The guy is basically using this girl to improve his self-esteem. May not be a popular opinion, but what an asshole. And you know

There is not a snowball’s chance in hell of this upgrade coming to current gen PS4's via “expansion slot” or something. It would be a completely new GPU / CPU that is currently hard-soldered to the mobo like a laptop. And there’s no external connection fast enough on the PS4 to support any kind of “breakout box”. This

Guys, honestly, don’t preorder this. As someone who works in 3D, and has a lot of experience in VR, the PS4 GPU is seriously underpowered to deliver two high-refreshing 1080p images to both eyes. Even though they are more expensive (much more if you consider a good computer a necessity) the Rift and Vive are much

you should try some of the earlier chalice dungeons as you can get good gems early on. I found they grow on you and can be pretty addictive. Some of the hardest bosses in the game too, if you like a challenge :)

Another great remake done right on the Vita. Might play this tonight

The vita is an awesome, awesome system that was left out to die. I play my vita every night. And I’m a grown ass man with a wife and baby.

X Chronicles and SOTN are very different games. X chronicles is more like the NES games. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, just different.

FFIX, which is the best iOS re-release of a game, like ever. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die PC (Still need to roll a dex character!). Castle Crashers, because co-op, and Dan Paladin art. Total War: Shogun II - for my strategy fix. And the game still looks incredible

gotta ask Fahey, XII was your least favorite? Why? I quite enjoyed it. Felt it was much better than X, which I couldn’t stand (not a popular opinion, I know.) But X was just so grind-y, felt too linear, and had some pretty annoying characters (Wakka, looking at you)

“Fasionista-cum-spy targets” um... Phrasing? Are we still doing that?


Best news here was buried - Trails of Cold Steel II - the first is an awesome reason to own a Vita but ends on a nasty cliffhanger!!

I got the wireless performance mouse / kb combo last time it was on sale, while the keyboard is great, the mouse is not. Its too ergonomic (hard to explain) but more importantly, way too heavy, and doesnt have an intuitive movement profile

I got the wireless performance mouse / kb combo last time it was on sale, while the keyboard is great, the mouse is

Except Dark Souls already has samurai swords. What about my precious companion Yulia

yeah, or the shit is fixed

The guy sounds like he needs diapers and a pacifier. Toughen up, buttercup.

Right, because I often drop 40 lbs to chop wood in my driveway. Try again.