That is a terrible, terrible idea.
That is a terrible, terrible idea.
God, these are just terrrible. All of them.
And how would one go about doing that in NG around SL 50 with VIT at 18? it's impossible. My technique involved great combustion + bellowing dragoncrest suicide runs (tried with the dusk crown too but the magic vulnerability lets them one-shot you) and the closer you are to them the less damage they do. Goddam New…
Wait, people are still playing Destiny?
This is really because DS games are all about teaching you how to play. The difficulty is in finding out the bosses strategies, not necessarily in the technical execution. Once you pick apart their moves even bosses like Artorias on NG+ and up aren't that hard. But until I figured out the trick for the four kings, man…
Man after playing Dark Souls again it's amazing how shitty the graphics in DS2 are. DS1 had so much variety in the environments, every brick was thoughtfully placed, textured and aged. DS2 is like - here's a big fucking tan arena with some columns.
That fucking room with six of them, I swear I have PTSD
Whatever, everything is a riposte these days.
Yeah fighting games are the young mans games. Ive got a limited amount of hours left in these wrists and Id rather play Dark Souls
It's a her. Queen Nashandra. And that dude was just cheesing soul arrows I'd hardly call it "toe to toe"
Yeah I spent about 60 hours to beat it first playthrough but Nashandra goes down in like 5 minutes. One of the easiest bosses in the game, especially with a ranged character. And before they nerfed lightning spears she was even easier
Dude, this has been going on for years. Accept AMD is shitty and move on. You'll be happier. They're not gonna bust out some magic chip next year that blows intel away. They are bleeding out.
Basically, any benchmarks. Sure if you're looking to spend under $200 on a cpu go AMD. If you actually want a fast, capable computer buy intel. Tom's Hardware - "The Core i5-4460 is a clear performance-per-dollar winner, demonstrating no weaknesses in any of the games we've tested."…
yeah, because screw the better, cooler, faster processors am I right? After seeing benchmarks I don't understand why anyone buys AMD chips anymore...
How is this even an article, fighting game fans are the worst most obnoxious whiners on the planet. They'd complain about a steak dinner served on top of lesbians...
love that game. The music alone is worth it
All I need is Dark Souls. Praise the Sun bitches
You seem to REALLY love to CAPITALIZE words a LOT you should PROBABLY calm DOWN because it's just like you know a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE and it's not worth having a HEART ATTACK OVER
Maybe if you consider watching paint dry "interesting"
Come to new york. We have seasons and public transportation.