
This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

How about seeing his ‘wife’ pick up a black drag version of himself has got to be the topper.

Yep, and then at the end when black, female Trump goes home with Melania (with all the cuckolding of “alpha male” little Donny that implies)? I can’t *wait* until we get that tweetstorm of impotent rage from Tinyhands himself.

I couldn’t stop giggling at how big they made his forehead. By the time it got to, “No, you won’t—NO ONE WATCHES THAT!” I was on the floor.

It was so dark but I agree - hilarious. Maybe an unexpected tone from SNL but that’s what I liked about it. I think what I said about it not trying to be funny is where the joke lies for me. It’s probably quite close to the truth and we should be scared but let’s also laugh at those fuckers because that’s what hurts

What’s changed? The Republicans have become caricatures of themselves at this point.

The sight of not just a woman, but a BLACK woman in trump drag should be enough to drive him into a rage explosion... of course, I’d expect a crazy tweet about this and not even touching on the MISSILE FIRED BY NORTH KOREA last night.

Yeah, I was coming to say that. The skit at the end where Leslie Jones and Vanessa Bayer were trying out to play Trump was probably in that vein as well.

Also not at all baffling because Kate McKinnon is a treasure and supremely talented and can play any part. The fact that it would piss of 45 even more is just icing on the cake.

This was scary bordering on not even trying to be funny because it’s all genuinely terrifying but I did laugh. Because fuck Kellyanne Conway. And her bones clicking back into place like the demon she is was excellent.

Yup they knew exactly what they were doing there. You just know his entire cabinet is dreading every Saturday night. I bet they all have to turn their phones and laptops in at night so they can’t tweet.

played, a little bafflingly, by Kate McKinnon

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

“I was called a liar and told to knock my crap off or they could put another charge on me,

Um, yes and no. Giving Trump that hosting slot early in the campaign AFTER he had already been banned by NBC was a devastating loss to our country’s democracy. It legitimized Trump early on, gave him a platform to claim that he was not a maniac, and proved to him (and his early supporters) that his “make an insane

Wish I’d thought of that. I did convince her that naugahyde was made from naugas, an animal whose habitat was on the steep side of hills in South America, so their legs were shorter on one side than on the other. She accepted this with wide-eyed wonder, as though she’d learned something. (I am going to hell.) This

That scene where she reams her boss in Heat is something I dream of being able to do.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

One of the things that makes it so hard for victims is the support structure that exists for men is often very different than that for women - like you said, so many people are quick to question the woman, to place blame on her, to feel sorry for the guy... and other women will trash-talk her to get their