
The collector’s edition cover is a must:

When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.

I’ve always found ridiculous and hypocritical that Republicans consider themselves to be the most patriotic yet hold someone who basically committed treason and violated the law of the land to be the best president of this lifetime.

“I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”

OMG, I’m trying to imagine what Trump would tweet about Versailles. “Louis has a tremendous palace!” Or “Phony King Louis sourced his mirrors from Mexico. Sad.”

They want to relish the fact that POC and women have been put back in place.

I thought I saw Trump this morning out in the neighborhood. When I looked more closely, it was an old rusted tea kettle upon which some shit-eating buzzard had built a nest.

how long until the first?

How long til the last legitimately tricked Trump supporter wises up and its just the racists, facisists and misogynists left supporting him?

Yeah seriously, she is the victim of a crime here. I’ve had someone break into my car a couple years ago. The only thing of “value” they took was a worn out first generation ipod I was obviously no longer using, but they made sure to trash the inside of my car, too. Lol but what do you expect to find when you break

I dunno, seems worth more concern than a bunch of puns. How terrible and absolutely frightening for her. :(

I will never be able to unsee that Miley gif. You, sir, are a monster.

Truly, the accusation of racism no longer has the sting that it did a couple of short years ago.

Worse than that. He has compared himself to Thomas Cromwell. I would say that is damn bad since he pretty much fucked a ton of people before getting his head cut off.

Rasputin only fucked Tzarinas.

Reuters ordered their reporters to cover Trump’s White House like it’s an authoritarian regime. They warned them to expect physical threats. This is quite a read and Reuters’ editor-in-chief, Steve Adler, is a real journalist and a true patriot. Here’s a link to what he said, and it is quite something.

What frightens me the most is that white supremacist no longer seems to be a pejorative term (to them). A couple of short years ago, it was beyond the pale. Now they wear it like a badge of honour.

“I increasingly don’t see a non-violent way out of this.”

Rachel Maddow had a good segment on last night’s show talking about how the protests are actually working far better than comparitive tea party era ones. Public opinion is with us.