
This could have been a really interesting, creepy film, and they ruined it by trying to be cute and shit. Just think how usually dopey nice guy Pratt would have been as an even more forthright, sinister stalker. Let’s say she wasn’t the first one he woke up, and the last one simply “didn’t work out” and is nowhere to

Thanks Bobby, I am more than happy not to see Passengers.

I’ll have to look into it and see if I can find one in this area. I know a decent amount about DV from the criminal investigation class I took — man, that class really drove the importance of those kind of conversations home. I will never forget the images I saw, they made me cry in class in front of like 12 other

The local shelter system in my region offers similar training. They even mentioned the stylist relationship among people who can start conversations. It was so beneficial, I encourage you to look into seeing if it’s available in your area.

That’s exactly what the point it, encourage them that there’s a way out by giving them information about the people who can help.

I’ve done a similar training and the biggest lesson was that you can’t force a person to leave, but they gave us plenty of information to point people towards appropriate help. I highly recommend it for EVERYONE. I went through my local DA shelter.

Actually, this is about creating a space for a domestic abuse survivor to open up in their own. Many people in abusive relationships will make excuses for the abusive behavior or take the blame for themselves. As long as this is done in a way that helps the person who is being abused find their own voice and talk

I used to do hair. I think it would be good for stylists to know the signs and when/how to ask someone if they are okay, as well as some resources in the community. Hairdressers are already better than therapists anyway, right?

As an Australian I can tell you that we don’t call them “widow makers” for nothing.

I don’t think this makes you “that person.” I think this is genuinely interesting and not something that would ever occur to me.

I hate to be “that person” but as a Biologist I think this normally rare event could become more common with monoculture tree plantings. Monoculture stands such as pine, Christmas trees, often for profit but sometimes touted as “eco-friendly” have almost no diversity and therefore no variety of roots to stabilize or

I think you are more interested in continuing the cycle of abuse than healing. Perhaps this news article is not helping your rage.

I needed to hear encouragement to leave my abuser hundreds of times, and honestly, it was the comments that came from people I didn’t know well that hit home the hardest. (I didn’t really have to fess anything; I wasn’t going to wear a bag over my head.) My family and friends? They’re obviously going to tell me to

Is it too early to call it that this dude is going to be this decade’s Hitler? This guy truly scares me simply because the stupid media is giving him coverage. You’d think they’d have learned with Trump. Then again, who knows what the media wants these days. Maybe it’s all about White Power at this point in history.

You seem to think this this thread is all about you personally. It isn’t.

Dumping all over people who are discussing how to help abused people makes you an asshole.

there’s absolutely no proof in any of those leaked texts that she’s a cheater. there are no time stamps on those text messages and none of the ones with jaden were even remotely sexual in nature.

She also mentioned the fact that he was depressed and not taking care of himself. She definitely sounded ignorant and not particularly sensitive, but it didn’t read to me as “he needs to lose weight get fuckable again” so much as “his weight gain is a symptom of a larger sickness that he’s refusing to get help for”.

My Dad didn’t go for years and started looking really ill. So much guilt tripping, sad emails, every phone call I brought it up. I also nagged my Mom about it. Finally he went, turned out he had a chronic illness with a relatively easy solution and imagine, medicine made him feel better! After that he started going

Blue pen is right, don’t underestimate the power of guilt. I’m also an only child and not the least bit ashamed that I cried -hard- to get my mom to go for a real check up including blood work, stress test, and a mammogram.