
Yeah, it was still not okay to seek out an Asian person you don’t know to have the white person guilt convo, and that is really how it looks to me. She joked about it afterward, but the feelings of having to hear/witness/be asked to be in that conversation must have been maddening.

No, religion is only a tool to be leveraged for the benefit of the party. If they cared about religion they would be against adultery as much as they are againstgay people.

While I agree Cho’s characterization is off, Tilda is also missing the mark in these emails. Tilda is benefiting from the whitewashing of a character, but won’t look at the historical significance of this because she personally doesn’t feel that way. As a person of color, that is definitely one of the most aggravating

......sooooooo I really need for this to not be a movie about middle-class blonde white women in danger in a “brown” global south country...because, you know, racism and xenophobia literally puts latinx people in danger...and as much as I know I haven’t seen this movie (nor do I plan on seeing it), and it could very

Can’t wait to not watch this

Main reasons I watch Love Actually annually:

Based on the charges, it seems like he’s being charged with hate crimes based on the victims’ religion, when he killed them because of their race, not their religion. It may not seem like it makes a difference, but it really does, especially since Faux News and similar entities attempted to push this as a crime

So, are we taking bets on what happens next? I’m in a particularly bad and pessimistic mood today, so I’ve got $30 that says this will ultimately change nothing and we have four years of Orange Is The Color Of Rage And Despair to look forward to.

Ugh teenagers, please stop making stuff up. You will get found out, and it will cast doubt on all the legitimate incidents of hate crimes post-election.

Well Depp apologists, here it is. The proof beyond any shadow of a doubt regarding what happened. The root of domestic violence and violence against women is about control and power. She is a survivor and moving on and he can’t handle that. Fuck him.

It seems like there was a good bit of time between that settlement agreement and Heard’s PSA. I’m sure Johnny wasn’t making payments to her then because he just couldn’t figure out what configuration of scarves and chains to wear while signing the check? I actually can believe he has cashflow problems. That’s not the

Ring a ding ding. Like, I’m Floridian, I know we’re fucking bonkers. Bring on the FL jokes, for they are true. And yet when you get on about flyover country doing crazy shit? Oh no, you’re a coastal elitist who doesn’t get “real America” or something.

As a current resident of the East Coast and former resident of flyover I can back your observation. Having lived in both areas, I feel the disdain is completely deserved.

One tiny example (of many) of why I believe this is: I have to make sure my pants aren’t too tight or that I don’t wear any “weird” shirt patterns

Hillary Clinton’s not from NY, Trump is.

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

The butthurt readings are off the charts here.

Moissanite would wear really well, since it is harder than sapphire. A 9.25 on the mohs scale. What I think they got was a CZ that is coated in diamond. Those are POS and wear terribly. No one should be selling those. A real lab created diamond would be expensive and would just be a diamond diamond.

Yours sounds like a completely reasonable amount of presents. From what I’ve seen, a lot of kids are getting a LOT more- it’s a veritable arms race. I’ve heard parents saying they’d be willing to prostitute themselves to give their kids their every desire. It’s nuts. I feel like the entire culture has to shift,

Mine save a portion for charity of their choice. So far it’s always been the SPCA. They being in their coins and visit with the kitties. :) It’s a fun thing.

I definitely agree there needs to be balance. I am trying to get my son to help pick out gifts for family and his teachers (even though it’s easier to do it myself because he’s only three, and doing anything with a toddler is way more work). And I have been getting him to help me choose charities to donate to. I want