
Your mom sounds like an amazing woman. If only more people understood that education is about way more than just the classroom.

Correct and I disagree with that. The OP was stating that it was stealing to confiscate a student's phone and that's hyperbolic BS.

I know, I think that is extremely low on the list of things to enforce, as well. I mean, I understand that children shouldn't be using their phones during class. It is a major distraction, but there are times when exceptions should be made.

I know, since when do children have to pay a fine for breaking school rules. That is completely ridiculous.

Two kinds of people are willing to be cops: People who genuinely want to protect and serve, and people who want to play with guns and bully other people because of huge personal inadequacies.

I assumed she was black, but then I found out she was a non-white/black Hispanic, which is just as unsurprising since Latinos are also discriminated against by the police.

Why would she call the police? She's a school administrator and she doesn't know how to handle a disobedient student?

According to the school's policy, if students are caught using their phone on school time, they must relinquish them to administrators and pay a fine.

I can actually speak from experience on this. I am a white girl, pretty heavy, with an extreme attitude - enough that I should be intimidating in close proximity. My teacher, who was already really rude and acerbic to me, tried to take my phone after my dad called me FROM THE HOSPITAL - I told her no, she pushed it

UGHHHHH! I hate stories like this. This is not how you deal with children. And rules in school, especially ones like cell phone use, are not meant to be so iron-clad and hard and fast. Take the time to listen to what the child has to say, to figure out if there is more going on. Their ability to get an education and

White people call the cops for everything, it's like they're their own personal muscle.

Okay, because I know someone is gonna say, Well maybe she was being aggressive with the assistant principal, maybe she was running from the cops, etc, etc, etc. So let's just head that off at the pass and say unless she was holding a gun to their freaking heads there is NO REASON for three (or two or even one) grown

Man, what would they have done if she was using Google Glass, just randomly opened fire?

Man I really love the Obamas. They seem like they would be great people to hang out with. I have a college friend whose father was a victim of the Fort Hood shootings (terrible and tragic). But, she got to meet the President and First Lady at the memorial, gave the POTUS a hug (!) and talked to Michelle about her

If you like it then you shoulda passed the bill on it, if you like it then you shoulda passed the bill on it. Don't be mad that they ain't made a law of it, if you liked it then you shoulda passed the bill on it OH OH OH

Obama was handed two awful wars and the worst economic collapse in 75 years. And then he was blessed with the craziest opposition party in U.S. history. Beyonce would be ground to powder by now if she had to deal with that.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Let's not be too hasty here. Michelle Obama is still flawless.